派 遣 函 兹证明 先生/女士(身份证/护照号码: )为本公司正式员工,现任公司 部门 职务。 由于本公司业务需要,现决定派遣 先生/女士于 年 月 日至 月 日前往 【国家】 【城市】 【公司】参加/进行 活动/会议。在此活动/会议期间一切费用(包括机票、住宿、餐费、保险等)都由 承担,并保证其在活动/会议期间遵守各项法律/法规,并保证其按时返回。 有限公司 年 月 日 派遣函标准格式(英文) Letter of Dispatch We hereby certify that Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXXX (Passport ) is a regular employee of our company and acts as XXXXXX of the XXXXXX department of our company. Due to the need for business expansion, our company has decided to dispatch Mr.(/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX to XXXX, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from XXXX to XXXXX,XXXXX to attend XXXXX. All the costs of (Mr. /Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX for air tickets, accommodation, meals and insurance, etc. will be borne by our company. Our company assures that Mr. (/Mrs./Ms.) XXXXX will abide by the laws of the country and will return to China on schedule. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Co., Ltd. (seal) XXXX(year)XX(month)XX(day)(date) 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/37b0acc56729647d27284b73f242336c1fb9305b.html