哈佛大学研究生GRE成绩要求 哈佛大学(Harvard University)在商学院,工程和应用科学学院,法学院,教育研究生院,设计研究生院处于国际地位,那么接下来小编就从这几个知名院校针对GRE分数的要求入手,详细为考生提供哈佛大学研究生GRE要求多少分的讲解。 1.商学院(Master of Business Administration)GRE分数要求。 官网上对申请哈佛商学院,GRE成绩的要求是: We accept applicants with a wide range of test scores. 即no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。 2.应用科学学院(Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering)GRE分数要求。 官网上对申请哈佛工程学院,GRE成绩的要求是: Average GRE Verbal Score: 160 (79%), Average GRE Quantitative Score: 163 (87%), Average GRE Analytical Score: 4.5 (64%)。 平均分,语文部分需要达到160分,数学部分需要达到163分,分析性写作分数需要达到4.5,即最低分需要323分。 3.教育研究生院( Education Policy and Management) 官网上对申请哈佛教育研究生院,GRE成绩的要求是: All applicants are required to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test. Note: Ed.L.D. applicants ONLY may choose to submit GMAT scores in lieu of GRE scores. 即no minimums(没有最低分数要求)。 4.城市设计院(Master of Architecture in Urban Design Master of Landscape Architecture in) 官网上对申请哈佛城市设计院,GRE成绩的要求是: Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Scores, required of all applicants, though students applying to the Real Estate and the Built Environment concentration in the Master in Design Studies program may submit the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) in lieu of the GRE. When requesting that GRE or GMAT scores be sent to Harvard University, applicants should use the institution code for the Graduate School of Design (3455); a department code is not needed. Q: Is there a cut-off point for GPA or GRE scores? A: We do not have a cut-off point for GPA or GRE scores, although successful applicants typically have at least a 3.4 GPA. The average GRE scores for the 2020 incoming class were 158 for the verbal, 157 for the quantitative, and 4.0 for the analytical writing sections. We encourage you to apply whether or not you meet these guidelines. Keep in mind that all components of the application are taken into consideration. 即平均分,语文部分需要158分,数学部分需要157分,分析性写作需要4.0分,即最低分319分。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/38c4d75bf7335a8102d276a20029bd64793e6278.html