写信 My dear! 我想你打开这封信的时候 I think when you open this letter 肯定会轻声的读出来 I'm sure I'll read it quietly 你是日落时的橘 You are the orange at sunset 我是伴你流浪的风 This is how we snuggle 我们就这样,这样依偎 This is how we snuggle 又激烈的爱着 And passionately in love 也不去管 Don't go to tube 月光什么时候变稠 When does moonlight thicken 人世有多辽阔 The world is vast ———我爱你 -- - I love you 请允许我 Please allow me 轻轻地,为你荡去尘埃 to gently swing to dust for you 摘下一朵洁白的云 Pick a white cloud 装饰你今晚的梦 Decorate your dreams tonight 回信 第一页写满我爱你 The first page is full of I love you 第二页邀你赴黄昏 Page two invites you to dusk 第三页慢慢走进你心里 Page three Walk slowly into your heart 你打开这封情书的时候 When you open this love letter 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/393271b46adc5022aaea998fcc22bcd126ff429d.html