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【期刊名称】《自动化与仪表》 【年(),期】2017(032)007

【摘 要】In order to meet the high power factor and small harmonic requirements when the UPS charging the battery,double closed loop control strategy of single-phase PWM rectifier in UPS is proposed in this paper.We build the mathematical model of the rectifier in UPS,voltage outer loop is controlled by PI(proportional-integral)control strategy,current inner loop with PI (proportional-integral) and PR(proportional-resonance) control strategy,and compare the performance characteristics of two kinds of inner loop control method.Finally using the Matlab/Simulink software to build simulation model and run the simulation.Simulation results show that both PI and PR control strategy can achieve the target that sinusoidal output current and power factor is close to 1,and PR control strategy in various aspects performance is better than that of PI control strategy.%文针对UPS电源对储能装置进行充电时功率因数高、谐波小的要求,提出了UPS电源中单相PWM整流器的双闭环控制策略.构建了UPS电源中单相PWM整流器数学模型,电压外环采用PI(比例积分)控制策略,电流内环分别采用PI(比例积分)PR(比例谐振)控制策略,并分析比较2种内环控制方法的性能特点.最后利用Matlab/Simulink软件搭建仿真模型进行模拟仿真.仿真结果表明,内环PIPR

制策略均可以达到输出电流正弦化和功率因数接近于1的要求,PR控制策略在各方面性能更优于PI控制策略. 【总页数】5(P72-76) 【作 者】薛家祥;陈永煌;沙幸威

【作者单位】华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,广州510640;华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,广州510640;华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,广州510640 【正文语种】 【中图分类】TM461 【相关文献】

1.单相PWM整流器电流解耦双闭环控制方法研究 [J], 张志文;彭立英;孙树波;

2.基于双闭环控制的单相电压型PWM整流器仿真研究 [J], 冯典森;唐勇奇;伍玉凯;张曙云;曾丽琼

3.一种改进的三电平PWM整流器双闭环控制策略 [J], 沈凤龙;满永奎;王建辉;

4.基于模糊双闭环控制的PWM单相整流器设计 [J], 张彦会; 伍松

5.一种基于传统PI控制的PWM整流器新型双闭环控制策略 [J], 郎佳红; 李浩; 为民; 舒莹; 马振亚; 郑诗程

