小学五年级英语作文350字带翻译篇1 我家小区旁边有一个旦山公园。那里,一年四季景色迷人,是附近居民锻炼身体的好去处。 There is a Danshan park next to my community. There, the beautiful scenery all year round, is a good place for nearby residents to exercise. 春天到了,公园水池旁的几棵柳树抽出了新的枝条,长出了嫩绿的叶子。春风吹过,小草也从地里探出了一个个小脑袋,好奇地望着天空,草地上的迎春花也争先恐后地怒放了,像一位位春天的使者。 When spring comes, willows beside the park pool draw out new branches and grow green leaves. When the spring wind blows, the grass also sticks out a small head from the ground and looks at the sky curiously. The spring welcome flowers on the grass are also in full bloom, like a messenger of spring. 夏天来了,公园池塘里的荷叶上开着一朵朵美丽的荷花,有白的、粉的……像一位位站在大大荷叶上的仙子,非常漂亮。每天夜晚,有的老公公、老婆婆在跳广场舞,有的小孩子在池边玩耍,有的父母在散步,此时公园里可热闹了! Summer is coming, the lotus leaves in the park pond are blooming with beautiful lotus flowers, white and pink Like a fairy standing on a big lotus leaf, very beautiful. Every night, some old father-in-law and mother-in-law are dancing in the square, some children are playing by the pool, some parents are walking, and the park is busy now! 夏去秋来,太阳公公把秋姑娘请来了。桂花开了,像人们洒在树上的碎金子,星星点点。一阵阵香气笼罩了整个公园。花坛里,菊花争相斗艳,有红的、白的、紫的、蓝的、黄的……五光十色,瑰丽无比。突然,秋姑娘像打了一个喷嚏,花坛旁边一排银杏树的叶子纷纷落下,像一只只蝴蝶在空中飞舞,落在地上的叶子像给大地铺上了一层厚厚的金毯,好看极了。 After summer and autumn, father-in-law sun invited autumn girl. Osmanthus blooms, like the broken gold people sprinkle on trees, little by little. The smell enveloped the whole park. In the flower bed, chrysanthemums compete for each other's beauty. There are red, white, purple, blue and yellow Colorful and magnificent. All of a sudden, autumn girl sneezed, and a row of Ginkgo leaves beside the flower bed fell one after another, like a butterfly flying in the air, and the leaves falling on the ground like a thick gold blanket for the earth, which was very beautiful. 冬天来临了,西北风呼呼地刮着,雪花在空中飞舞,给大树穿了一件棉袄,给大地铺上了一层厚厚的地毯。公园的花坛中,梅花不怕寒冷,还在热烈地开放,真是”凌寒独自开”。 Winter is coming, the northwest wind is blowing, snowflakes are flying in the air, wearing a cotton padded jacket for the tree, and laying a thick carpet for the earth. In the flower bed of the park, the plum blossom is not afraid of the cold, and it is still opening warmly. It is really “Linghan alone”. 我爱美丽的旦山公园! I love the beautiful Danshan park! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3a91b665ecfdc8d376eeaeaad1f34693dbef1054.html