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英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,也是考生最容易失分的题型,因此培养学生写作能力是非常有意义的。以下是整理的我的假期小学生英语作文及翻译,希望帮助到您。 英语作文1

Summer xxxx is coming . I want to go to xxxx . I go to xxxx with my father , my mother and my xxxx . We want to go there by plane xxxx it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall , it is very famous for the world ,so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo xxxx I like to see xxxx . There are many xxxx in this city ,too . I want to talk with them in xxxx . I want to learn xxxx from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is coming soon .

暑假来了,我想要去北京。我和我的爸爸妈妈和哥哥一起去北京。我们想要坐飞机去因为可以节省时间。我们可以在上面看到很多东西。首先我们能去长城参观,长城在世界上都很有名。然后,我们能去动物园游玩我喜欢动物。城里有很多外国人,我想要和他们用英语交谈。我想向他们学习英语。我想我们那时候应该能玩得愉快。我希望暑假快点到来。 英语作文2

This years xxxxl Day I went to Beihai for travel with my xxxx. As we were afraid Beihai will be too many people on xxxxl Day, so we went there on Oct.4. Our first stop is to the Bei Hai silver beach. We found ther are huge people on the beach. xxxx the beach, we cant see the sea but only people. Though I was shock, we still joined the people on the beach xxxx. We swam in the sea and played with each other. We all felt happy about that trip. 今年的国庆节我和我的朋友们去北海旅游。由于我们担心在国庆节北海会有很多人,有我们在十月四号才去。我们的第一站是北海银滩。我们发现银滩上有大量的人。在海滩外,除了人我们都看不到海。虽然我很震惊,但是我们还是迅速的加入到海滩上的人群。我们在海里游泳,和朋友们互相玩耍。对于这个旅行我们都很开心。 英语作文3

Im going to the sun on my xxxx. I will go there by a xxxxip. I will take a big blue xxxxip. Then Ill pilot the xxxxip to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super-shirt. In the xxxx, I will have some sun burger for my xxxxst.

At eight oclock, I will play with my xxxx there. They are super dog and super girl. Super dog is white and black. Super girl is very clever. Super girl and super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for forty xxxx. Then I do my xxxxk in my little red room on a small blue table. After my home work, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All the things are red. Then I need a lot of water on the sun xxxx the sun is too hot. So I will walk to the xxxxip. Ill pilot the xxxxip to the earth.

This is a good xxxx on the sun.

我要去太阳上度假。我将乘宇宙飞船去那里。我会带一个蓝色的宇宙飞船。 然后,我将驾驶飞船到太阳。太阳很热。所以我穿上了超级衬衫。在早上,我将有一些太阳汉堡为我的早餐。 八点,我会和我的朋友们在那里玩。他们是超级狗和超级女孩。超级狗是白色和黑色。超级女孩很聪明。超级女孩和超级狗喜欢玩我。所以我和他们玩了四十分钟。然后我做我的家庭作业,在我的小红房间里的一个小蓝色的桌子上。下班回家后,我会吃午饭。我会吃太阳沙拉。我会做一些红色的玩具熊给太阳宝宝。我将有红色的汁,红色的鱼和红色的米饭。所有的东西都是红色的。我需要大量的水在太阳上,因为太阳太热了。所以我会走到

宇宙飞船。我将驾驶飞船到地球。 这是一个很好的假期。 英语作文4

Good xxxx, my dear xxxx.I am happy to see all of our xxxx come back to school.I would like to share my life in xxxx with you.This summer xxxx, I spent most of my time in xxxx, like xxxxg TV, xxxx games, outing with xxxx and so on.But I also pay xxxxon to my study.For xxxx, I like xxxxg the xxxxl TV xxxxs, so that I can both have fun and learn xxxxng new at the same time.xxxx, I get up early to do some xxxx xxxx to xxxxe my xxxx.Of course, I finish my summer xxxxes on time.In short, my summer xxxx is xxxxl and xxxx.How about your life in summer xxxx?I am eager to know.早上好,我亲爱的同学们。我很高兴看到所有的同学都返校了。我想要与大家分享我的假期生活。这个暑假,我花大部分的时间玩耍,比如看电视,玩游戏,和朋友出去玩等等。但是我也关心我的学习。比如说,我喜欢看教育电视节目,这样我既可以得到乐趣又可以同时学到一些新的东西。除此之外,我早上起得很早进行早读以锻炼我的英语。当然,我也按时完成了暑假作业。总是,我的暑假多彩且富有意义。你们的暑假生活是怎么样的呢?我很想知道。 英语作文5

Summer xxxxn, this is a the xxxxs expect long-lost happy time, simply can and play, no more xxxx sound alarm clock in the xxxx... But we looked at those high xxxxns, a less-xxxxed xxxxe mom, has xxxxd xxxx for us: early in the xxxx to go to xxxxl class, noon to xxxx every day and every day go to xxxxl xxxx in the xxxxon. I every day in ask him, who xxxxd the xxxxl class! xxxxd of the time I watch TV, if let me know who it is, I will regard that man as my enemy.

暑假,本是一个们期望己久的时光,可以痛痛快快地玩了,早上再也没有了令人讨厌的闹钟声可是我们那些望子成龙,望女成凤的宝妈们,却早早为我们安排好了一切﹕每天早上去辅导班,每天中午去辅导班,每天下午去辅导班。我每天在问天问地,到底是谁发明了辅导班!剥夺了我看电视的,如果让我知道是谁,我要把那个人视为我的仇人。 小学五年级关于假期的英语作文带翻译
