
时间:2022-05-09 15:40:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Steven: I want to buy a gift for my father. Will yougo with me to choose one for him?

史蒂文:我想给我爸爸买个礼物, 你愿意陪我一块儿去挑吗? Bill: Sure. Is it your father's birthday? 比尔:当然可以了。今天是你父亲的生日吗?

Steven: Don't you know? Tomorrow is Father's Day. 史蒂文:你不知道吗?明天是父亲节。

Bill: Oh! How could I forget such an important holiday? 比尔:噢,我怎么把如此重要的节日忘了呢?

Steven: You also need to choose a gift for your father, right?

史蒂文:你也需要给爸爸买礼物吧,对不对? Bill: Yes, let's go. 比尔:对,我们一起去吧。

Steven: Mom, happy Mother's Day! A necklace foryou. 史蒂文:妈妈,母亲节快乐!这是我给您的项链。

Mom: What a surprise! This is the best present I've ever received.


Steven: Thank you for your love and care over the years. I love you so much.

史蒂文:感谢您这些年来给我的关爱和照顾。我好爱您。 Mom: I love you, too. 妈妈:我也爱你。

Steven: How about a dinner tonight? My treat. 史蒂文:晚上我们出去吃顿饭怎么样?我请客。

Mom: Actually. I prefer to eat at home, and then we'll have more time to have a chat.


Steven: All right. Let me prepare the supper. 史蒂文:好吧,我来准备晚饭。
