
时间:2022-09-12 13:10:34 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



2.Such vegetable kingdoms include turnips , okra , brussel sprouts ,cauliflower , rhubarb , and soy beans and they cannot ascend as they arenot from this creation


3.At the same time, brusselsprouts and cauliflower are placedinto

thesamecategory,whilecabbageandbroccoliareputintoanotherone,whichdiffers greatly with the results of classification by morphology andedible organ

同时,进化树将抱子甘蓝和花椰菜分为一类,而将结球甘蓝和青花菜分为另一类,此结果同经典形态学分类和以食用器宫分类的结论有较大出人。 4.Primers were designed according to the sequences of atcal , bocal ,bobcal and boical gene , and pcr amplifications were performed with thegenomic dna of brussel sprouts , kale and kohlrabi respectively , pcrfragments of about 1 . 6kb were obtained and designated correspondinglyas bogcal5 " , boacal5 " and boccal5 "


1.6kb大小的pcr产物,分别命名为bogcal5’ boacal5’boccal5 ’ 5.However,thediscrepancyhasnoremarkableaffectontherelationshipofthem. 2.sequencealignmentsbetweenthethreefragmentsofaccordingcdna to find that boacal and boccal share 97 . 9 % identical


98.9 % , 98 . 2 % , respectively

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2、对分离的三段序列对应的cdna序列之间进行了同源性比较,结果羽衣甘蓝和球茎甘蓝之间为97 . 9,抱子甘蓝同羽衣甘蓝和球茎甘蓝之间分别为98 . 998 . 2

6.Reclamation , purification and linkage of them respectively , thensequencing and analyses of according gene structure were made ,

resultsshowthatthecompletesequencelengthofcorrespondingpcrproductfrombrussel sprouts , kohlrabi and kale are 1665bp , 1650bp and 1650bp ,containg the first two exons and introns and 22bp of the third exon对各pcr产物分别进行回收、纯化、载体连接和序列测定及基因结构分析等,结果表明,该片段在抱子甘蓝、羽衣甘蓝和球茎甘蓝三种作物中的全长分别为1665bp1650bp1650bp,包括相应基因的前两个外显子和内含子以及第三个外显子的22bp序列。

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