NBC精编版北京奥运会开幕式片头短片(中英scriipt) The footprints in their history stretch back 5000 years, 一个拥有5OOO年历史的国度 but for the world's greatest wall builders, 他们铸就了世界上最伟大的城墙 makers of a forbidden city, 他们建造了宏伟的紫禁城 what happens tonight is not merely a small step, 今天晚上他们迎来的不只是历史的一小步 but a great leap. 而是整个民族的一大步 China is welcoming the world. 这就是中国,她正以崭新的姿态迎接整个世界 Who will they be when this is over? 当这一切尘埃落定的时候,他们将何去何从? The clock of their lives has been beating with a screaming urgency. 为了这一刻他们期待已久 They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge, 他们将自己锻造得如刀刃般锋利 for this summer, to be here, now, and nowhere else. 为了这个夏天能来到这个国度 Beijing, the first ever Olympics for the world's most populous nation, 北京,这个世界上人口最多的国家将首次举办奥运会! 1.3 billion who framed the front-page story of the 21st century, 这个人口达到13亿的国度无疑是21世纪的雄狮 a China both outside time 中国不仅超赶了时间 and bursting every which way in a bewildering rush of transformation. 而且到处都可以看到不断的变化 They have made themselves anew, 他们必须作好准备 relentlessly, devotedly, 以莫大的艰苦付出 so they might, on these days (if you want) step into history. 因为这将是他们缔造历史的时刻 They've submitted to an uncompromising search for mastery, 他们竭力追求着究极的技能,顶级的技术 repetitive motion, technique polished 不厌其烦的练习 toward an impossible(guys) ideal, 为实现几乎不可能的理想而奋斗 fall, fail, 即使跌到,摔下 get up. 只能再站起来 It's not the triumph, but the struggle. It's not the triumph, but the struggle; It's not the triumph, but the struggle; Not the triumph, but the struggle. Why did they begin? Why do they endure? 他们因何而开始,又为何而坚持? 鲍威尔(美国男子100米短跑): I compete, because I want to run faster than any man has ever run. 我参加比赛是因为我想跑得比任何人都快 肖恩·约翰逊(美国女子体操): Flopping on a 4-inch beam, I like the daredevil, proud of it. 我要克服自己的恐惧挑战自己的极限 沃尔什/梅伊(美国女子沙滩排球): (You) know, to get the chance to try to defend your gold medal, I couldn't write a better story. 抓住机会获取金牌, 这是我的唯一目标. It is time for the colorful clash of a universe of shimmering, still to be written biographies. 这一刻,寰宇中最绚烂的碰撞将写出华丽的篇章 It is time to chase eternal youth. 这一刻,对青春的追寻使生命永远年轻 Time to defy public heartbreak, laws of gravity. 这一刻,对万有引力的挑战使悲伤心碎烟消云散 Time for a Jamaican lightening bolt, 这一刻属于来自牙买加的雷霆闪电 California brilliance. 和加里福利亚的灿烂阳光 It is time for the sweetly engaging gymnast from West des Moines, 这一刻,属于来自西德梅因的甜蜜微笑 and the poised daughter of a decorated Olympian. 和身披父辈勋章和战袍的女儿 It is time for the one who has endured the grinding burden of mind-blowing expectations. 这一刻,属于那些肩负重重希望的竞技选手 Time for the headliner of the Athens games to play superman all over. 这一刻,雅典奥运会上的破纪录者将勇创新高 Are we about to see the fastest race ever, 我们将看到的是一场速度最快的被历史见证的比赛 A dynasty confirmed? 梦幻的王朝能巩固吗? A victory cheered by a billion voices? 有10多亿人为其胜利高声欢呼的伟大盛会 They have pushed themselves to be as sharp as a razor's edge, 他们将自己锻造得如刀刃般锋利 for the scintillating prospect of enduring accomplishments, 震耳欲聋的加油声会助他一臂之力吗? to leave these games as the greatest Olympic champion of all time. 成为奥运会史上最好的选手, 他们为了这次奥运会已经蓄势持发 They have made themselves anew, 他们追求成为最顶尖的选手为的正是这一时刻的荣辉 for this summer, for Beijing, for this, NOW ! 为了今夏,为了北京,为了此时此刻. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3c1663d280eb6294dd886c00.html