高中英语常见反义词A-Z举例 Antonyms List Of Words – A To Z

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Antonyms A to Z

Repair - Damage Awful- Nice

Inferior - Superior Down- Up

Ugly - Beautiful Nobody- Everybody Enemy - Friend Big - Small

Single- Married Forget - Remember Land - Water Warm- Cool Generous- Mean Often- Seldom Full - Empty Some - Many Here - There All - None Left- Right Lazy - Active Small - Big Agree- Refuse Front - Back

Attention-Inattention Reduce- Increase Divorce - Marriage Dead - Alive Little- Large Stand -Lie

Ancient- Modern Not Yet - Already Upstairs - Downstairs Evening- Morning Deny - Admit Even- Odd

Blame - - Praise Urban- Rural Blunt - - Sharp North- South

Foreign - Domestic Lady- Gentleman Silly- Intelligent Advance- Retreat Parents- Children Dusk - Dawn Harvest - Plant Rich- Poor

Certainly- Probably Fortune- Bad Luck Afraid - Brave Strict - Gentle Sister - Brother Last - First

Wedding- Divorce Order - Mess Giant - Tiny Cry - Whisper Scatter - Collect Mean- Generous Broad - Narrow Failure- Success Serious - Funny Miss- Hit

Abundance - Lack Find- Lose Closed- Open Polite- Rude

Antonym -Synonym Loser - Winner Sharp- Blunt Fix - Break

Monarchy - Republic Asleep- Awake Disease- Health Raise - Lower Alive- Dead Friend- Enemy Soft - Hard

Learn - Teach Kind - Cruel Arrive - Depart Succeed- Fail Soul- Body Always - Never Danger - Security Lie - Stand Lend - Borrow Allow - Forbid Sometimes - Often Funny - Serious Open- Closed Cruel - Human Gentleman- Lady Wealth- Poverty Devil - Angel Success - Failure Justice - Injustice Artificial - Natural End - Beginning Night - Day Trust- Suspect Best - Worst

Descendant-Ancestor Approval -Disapproval Student- Teacher Lovely- Terrible Depart - Arrive Loud- Quiet Apart- Together Strong- Weak Life- Death

Dangerous- Safe Sour- Sweet For - Against Admit - Deny Shut- Open

Mountain - Valley Negative-Affirmative Before- After Easy- Difficult Village - Town

Comfort - - Discomfort Honest- Dishonest Present- Past Artificial - Natural Dictatorship-Republic Sugar - Salt Junior - Senior

Bravery - - Cowardice Marry - Divorce Exposure- Shelter Hopeful - Desperate Complicated -Simple Pretty - Ugly Equal - Different Normal - Strange Black - White Cellar - Attic Hard - Easy Dry- Humid Quick - Slow

Foreigner - Native Land - Take Off Defence - Attack Lofty - Lowly

Answer - Question Stop - Start Humble- Proud Pupil - Teacher Cool - Warm Attack - Defense In - Out

Receive- Send Division - Unity Unite - Divide Enter - Leave Bitter - - Sweet Brave- Cowardly Export - Import Different- Alike Pleasant- Awful Drama - Comedy Ascent- Descent Ceiling- Floor Ill - Healty Heavy- Light
