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英文zip的中文意思 [zp] [zp]


名词 拉链; 精力,活力; 尖啸声; 一种程序压缩格式 及物动词 给予…速度; 用拉链拉上或扣上

及物/不及物动词 尖啸而过; (使沿某方向)快速移动 [zp] [zp]


zip 基本解释

名词拉链; 精力,活力; 尖啸声; 一种程序压缩格式 及物动词给予…速度; 用拉链拉上或扣上

及物/不及物动词尖啸而过; (使沿某方向)快速移动 zip的词典解释 1. 拉锁;拉链

A zip or zip fastener is a device used to open and close parts of clothes and bags. It consists of two rows of metal or plastic teeth which separate or fasten together as you pull a small tag along them.

e.g. He pulled the zip of his leather jacket down slightly. 他稍稍往下拉了拉皮夹克的拉链。 2. 拉上…的拉链

When you zip something, you fasten it using a zip.

e.g. She zipped her jeans... 她拉上了牛仔裤的拉链。

e.g. I slowly zipped and locked the heavy black nylon bags. 我慢慢地把那些沉重的'黑色尼龙袋的拉链拉上并锁好。 3. 压缩(文档)

To zip a computer file means to compress it so that it needs less space for storage on disk and can be transmitted more quickly.

4. 快速移动;飞速行动

If you say that something or someone zips somewhere, you mean that they move there very quickly.

e.g. My craft zipped across the bay... 我的小艇飞速驶过海湾。

e.g. Max zips back and forth across the living room. 马克斯在客厅里快速地来回走动。 5. 精力;活力;热情

If you say that someone or something has zip, you mean that they show a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

e.g. Share options will play a bigger role in future, putting zip into the performance of middle managers...


e.g. Tommy Tune gives the choreography his usual class and zip.

汤米·图恩在编排的舞蹈中注入其一贯的优雅和活力。 zip的双语例句

1. Bits with diameter zip to 2m can directly be paced in. 可采用正反循环钻进,根据施工要求,亦可在撬装。

2. If she`s got a serious social engagement, she might switch to a pretty gold shift dress, or zip on some black beaded jams.
