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迷茫英语说法1 confused 迷茫英语说法2 perplexed 迷茫英语说法3 dazed

迷茫的相关短语: 走出迷茫 Don't Hesitate 如此迷茫 so unsure

我心迷茫 I am confused ; My heart confused ; I lost my heart 迷茫春天 Spring Daze 迷茫它 confused it

战略迷茫 strategic confusion

迷茫期 Period of confusion ; Confused period ; For syncing 迷茫的英语例句:

1. It's vast and hazy in the distance. 远处一片迷茫

2. He looked at me in blank amazement. 他带着迷茫惊诧的神情望着我.

3. My glazed eye wandered over the dim and misty landscape.


4. The old woman looked at him in confusion. 老妇人用迷茫的目光打量着他.

5. He stopped to glance over the misty lake where water joined the sky.


6. Everything is and - go , confused look ahead, then look at the scenery.

一切都是走走停停, 迷茫的看看前方, 再看看周围的风景.

7. That smoking incense, the candles flashing light, scattered, confused by my eyes.

那香冒着烟, 那蜡烛闪着光, 星星点点的, 迷茫了我的眼睛. 8. I feel lost. What should I do with my life? 我迷茫了. 我的生活该怎么办 ?

9. Christmas eve 2008 --- winter. Be confused as my own path. 今年的圣诞 --- 严冬. 迷茫着以后自己的小路.

10. Your role is to beand helpful to others who are lost. 你的角色是保持稳定,帮助其他迷茫的人.

11. I am all at sea in the adolescent stage of my life. 刚刚成长起来的我陷入了迷茫之中.

12. He stared ahead in a daze as if nothing around him existed.

他神色迷茫地望着前方,仿佛周围的一切都不存在了. 13. I would like to swing action to drive away confused! 我要行动起来,赶走迷茫!

14. With the picture so blurry, investors will remain nervous. 前途迷茫令投资者仍然备感不安.

15. She was at a loss. She began to unsure of everything. 她迷茫了. 她开始对一切都不确信了.
