
时间:2022-06-10 22:41:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



Tomorrow will be another day

On my way home from work every evening, there would be a homeless middle-aged man standing by the walkway. He was always 1 smiling, and sometimes almost dancing.

Every day after work I would remember to gather any spare 2 , and put it aside. If l saw him I’d give him the coins. A feeling of 3 would come over me every time I saw him as he looked to feel joyful. Sometimes we would ask each other about our day. His 4 would be the same, “I’m fine. Have a bright day.”

I knew what his reply was going to be every time, 5 I would still ask. It 6 me of how lucky me that even in his situation of being homeless, he was so cheerful. He 7 me how lucky I was, a single mother of four kids, with a good job to provide for them.

Then one day I was called into my boss’s office and was told that I was 8 due to the weak economy (经济). A feeling of worry filled my mind immediately, and for the rest of that day all I could think about was “how am I going to 9 my family, and how am I going to pay rent?”

That day I was very sad and upset on my way home. I 10 forgot to prepare some coins for the homeless man as usual. As I waited for the red light to turn, he walked over with a big smile and asked, “How is everything going?” I told him I lost my job and felt really bad. “OK, I will 11 you a dollar today. Tomorrow will be another day,” said the man.

I was deeply 12 and burst into tears. I wanted to hug him! That day what the man handed me was more than a dollar bill. He taught me a 13 lesson. Whatever material things are taken from you, no one can take away your 14 to be joyful. Tomorrow will be a bright day and full of 15 . 1Ahappy 2Atime 3Apity 4Ademand 5Abut 6Asatisfied 7Ainformed 8Afired 9Amiss 10Astill 11Acharge

Bshy Bfood Bpain Banswer Bfor Bfrightened Badvised Bexamined Bsupport Bonce Bfind

Cnervous Cchange Canger Cview Cor

Cdisappointed Creminded Cquestioned Ctrust Ceven Cshow

Dcareful Dwater Djoy Dreason Dso Damazed Dwarned Dinvited Dcheck Dalways Dgive

12Amoved 13Aterrible 14Acost 15Adoubt


Sunshine High School

Bhurt Bvaluable Bsecret Bregret

Clost Chard Cstress Chope

Drelaxed Dstrange Dchoice Dpraise


This website is all about looking after the Earth. There are facts about different animals, as well as information about forests, deserts and oceans: You can upload your own videos onto the site for everyone to see. TeenPress

This is one of the best sites on the web for teenagers who love writing. You can share your work with others, and there are message boards where you can chat about things that are important to you. ChannelTwenty

On this site you can watch a daily news program and search for information about big news stories. There are also videos on different subjects, articles about famous bands, games and competitions. Inside-the-cover

Finding out about your favorite writers is easy on this site. There are lots of interesting articles and information about the latest books. You can read blogs by well-known writers and post questions to them. And you are likely to get replies from them. Tune-in

There are millions of songs on this website for you to download or listen to online. You can save your favorite songs in your own list. If you’re in a band, you can record your music and upload it. The website is large, but the menus are easy to use. ScienceZone

There’s lots of information on this site about maths, chemistry and biology. You can visit some of the world’s most famous museums, or watch wildlife via webcams. There are also some very cool games, such as Save the Planet.

16TeenPress is a website for teenagers who ________. Aenjoy writing

Bcare about the Earth

Clike watching the news

17On Inside-the-cover, you can ________. Atake writing classes Clearn about the latest books

Dare interested in music

Bshare your articles

Danswer the writers’ questions

18If you like visiting online museums, which website is best for you? AEcoCentral. CTune-in.

19The author writes the passage to________. Aintroduce websites to teenagers Bteach teenagers to design websites Cencourage teenagers to create websites Dcompare different websites for teenagers

How to survive in the jungle

When you’re in the jungle (丛林), you need to leave all your mobile phone, your favorite coffee and your chocolate bars at home. When you’re in the jungle, you need only four things—water, food, shelter, and fire. You can find all of these easily, but you must know what to look for.

Let’s start with water. Even though there’s a lot of water in the jungle, you may not find it Insects can also be a good sign, because they usually build their nests near water. However, don’t only look for rivers. You can also find water in some plants such as roots and palm trees.

You can usually find a lot of food in the jungle, but you must be happy to eat things you wouldn’t normally want to, for example, insects. However, you need to know the difference between those you can eat and those that are poisonous, so start reading about them now!

For cooking and for warmth, collect dry firewood, leaves, and grass. Then make fire using dry sticks-take a box of matches or a lighter with you!

The type of shelter you need depends on the weather and the kind of animals in the jungle. Some insects can be very dangerous, so protect yourself against bites .If you don’t have any insect repellent (驱虫剂), try putting mud on your skin.

Of course, if you’re lost in the jungle and want to get home again, the sun and stars can help you find your way. 20If you adventure in the jungle, you should bring ________. Achocolate bars Ca mobile phone


Da box of matches BScienceZone. DChannelTwenty.

21According to Paragraph 2, people go after insects and birds for ________. Afood

