
时间:2023-04-16 23:00:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



When Im hurt I wont shed a tear 当我受伤时我也绝不流泪 Id rather sing a song 我用歌声代替泪水

I will sing of a pair of invisible wings 唱出隐形的翅膀

That will take all my fears away 带走全部的惧怕

I wont think about what others have that I dont 我不去艳羡别人有什么

Coz I see that I desire to make this path my own 由于我要制造自己的价值

Ill put on a pair of invisible wings 我会戴上一双隐形的翅膀

And it will take my to higher heights 它会带我飞得越来越高

Ill take flight and there I see my dreams

我将要飞行,飞向我的幻想 They lay ahead 它们就在前方

(And) No will I be afraid 我不会可怕 Close my eyes 闭上双眼

And I can feel the winds beneath my wings 我可以感觉到我的翅膀在飞行

It is the voice that will carry me through 有个声音陪伴着我度过一切困难

I have hope that I will find myself, in a better place 我盼望我可以找到自己,在一个更美妙的地方

You and I will take this journey walking hand in hand 你我将携手同行

And I know I have a pair of invisible wings 我知道我有一双隐形的翅膀 To guide me through this race 带我飞过无望

All my hopes and dreams shall be everlasting
