人教新起点英语五年级下册Unit 3 Making Contact知识点汇总

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Unit 3 Making Contact(建立联系)


send an email 发电子邮件 write a letter 写信 make a phone call 打电话 send a short message 发送短消息 mail a present 邮寄礼物 make a video call 打视频电话 say 说;讲

make a card 制作卡片 everywhere 到处 flower show 花展


1. A: What do you want to do on New Year s Day? 你新年想做什么?

B: I want to write a letter to my father. 我想给爸爸写一封信。 2. It s Mother s Day tomorrow. 明天是母亲节。 3. A: What would you like to do? 你想做什么? B: I would like to say "I love you" to my mother. 我想和妈妈说“我爱你”

4. Well, you can make a card for your mother. 好,你可以给你妈妈做一张卡片。

5. You can write "I love you" on the card. 你可以在卡片上写“我爱你”

6. That s a great idea. 听起来不错。 7. I d like to do that. 我喜欢做那些。

8. I would like to go to Xin Yuan Park with my parents. 我想和父母一起去心愿公园。

9. Would you like to go with us? 你想和我们一起去吗?

三、四会单词和四会句型 send an email 发电子邮件 write a letter 写信 make a phone call 打电话 send a short message 发送短消息 mail a present 邮寄礼物 make a video call 打视频电话 say 说;讲

make a card 制作卡片

1. A: What do you want to do on New Year s Day? 你新年想做什么?

B: I want to write a letter to my father. 我想给爸爸写一封信。

2. A: What would you like to do? 你想做什么? B: I would like to say "I love you" to my mother. 我想和妈妈说“我爱你”

四、重点音标(从今天起, 做一个发音标准的英语侠! ight /aɪt/ night light right igh /aɪ/ high sigh thigh
