right是什么意思英语怎么读 right意思是正当。 right: adj.正当;妥当;正确的;真正的;真实的;适当的;正好的;恰当的;右边的。 adv.正好;恰好;直接地;一直;径直;完全地;立即;马上;毫不耽搁。 扩展资料 Take the first right, then the second left. 在第一个路口向右拐,然后再在第二个路口向左拐。 No one in their right mind would choose to work there. 任何一个精神正常的人都不会选择去那里工作。 She seems to be well in with all the right people. 她似乎和所有大人物都关系很好。 Education is provided by the state as of right. 受教育是国家赋予每一个人的.权利。 She has class all right ─ she looks like a model. 她的确丰姿娴雅,看上去像模特儿一样。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/408e95022179168884868762caaedd3383c4b522.html