retile是什么意思retile怎么读 retile是什么意思retile怎么读英音 [?reta?l] 美音[?r?t?l, -?ta?l] retile基本解释 n.爬行动物;卑鄙的人 adj.爬虫类的;卑鄙的 变化形式 复数retiles retile的用法和例句The tuatara looks like a lizard , but is actually a very different kind of retile .刺背鳄蜥看起来像一只蜥蜴但它实际上是一种非同寻常的爬行动物。Days before the year of the snake begins , there has been little affection for the slithering retile .而在蛇年即将到来之时人们对于这种蠕动的爬行动物却没什么喜爱之情。The retile isn 't a triassic leftover , but the last remaining art of a varied and long-lived lineage .这种爬行动物不是三叠纪的遗留物但却是多样化长寿种群现存的一部分。The little retile looks like a lizard , but is actually the last remaining member of a different evolutionary branch called the rhynchocehalia .小型爬行动物看起来像蜥蜴但实际上它们是一种称为喙头目的不同进化分支最后遗留的成员。This has made the tuatara another classic examle of natural stagnation , with some researchers claiming that the retile has remained unchanged for 220 million years .这使得刺背鳄蜥称为另一种自然停滞的典型例子一些研究人员声称爬行动物已经2.2亿年保持不变了。 本文来源: