
时间:2022-12-16 08:08:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


五一劳动节打算英语作文 20

In the twinkling of an eye, May Day Labor Day is coming. I began to think about how to spend this labor day. Finally, I thought of a good idea, that is, cleaning. At noon today, we started the cleaning.

I picked up a dry rag to wipe the TV, because my mother told me that if I didnt wipe the TV with a dry rag, the TV would break easily. There are switches, computers... And other electrical things should be wiped with a dry rag.

I have to clean some furniture and glass, even the door. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag and mop. After dragging it again, the rag was covered with dust. Im exhausted now. Im sweating and out of breath. But I thought, Im going to surprise my mother. Besides, the cleaning is supposed to work hard. If I cant insist now, didnt I just do it in vain? Do things from beginning to end. So I started sweeping the floor again. I didnt even let go of the corner. I finally finished sweeping it. When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room. I went in, skillfully picked up the broom and swept it slowly. Then I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and


began to mop the floor. Holding a heavy mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side.

After this cleaning, I learned: as long as you pay, you will gain.

