
时间:2022-12-16 08:08:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
On May 1, sunny Tuesday Today is May Day, my mother and I go to anji travel, after bought tickets and through after check-in, we took the car go to anji. In anji bus station, we are in the train to Zhang wu,

along the way I saw endless fields, strewn at random have the farmhouse and the 3322 pluck the seed in the field of chicken, who ended up, when I was intoxicated in the beauty, mother gave me a gently nudge, unexpectedly found that we have reached a place to live - no mosquito hill, got off the bus, I saw full of lush mountain, seemed to be pigment dyed green. I think Angelina is really not the kui is known as the "town", the mountains, the crook, the road, before, during and after the farm house is full of tall bamboo, wide variety, with a spot called spot bamboo, and grown into a group called filial piety bamboo etc., let me see a lot of bamboo, she had never seen before: don't mention how beautiful. At noon, we ate delicious farm-style without mosquito hill, have vegetables, fish in the streams, authentic native... No mosquito hill night view is very beautiful, also the silent night, a stream of running water sound, bamboo leaves were rustling sound made by the wind blowing gently, make a song late spring serenade... This year's May Day, I had a very happy, because it let me see the rural urban harmonious atmosphere!

51 星期二 今天是五一国际劳动节,我和妈妈一起去安吉旅游,在买好车票后并通过检票后,我们便踏上了去安吉的汽车。到了安吉长途汽车站,我们又换了趟车去鄣吴,一路上我看到了一望无边的田野,错落有致的农舍和三三两两在地里啄食草籽的鸡,一派田原风光,当我正陶醉在这美景时,妈妈轻轻地推了我一下,居然发现我们已经到了住的地方—无蚊山庄,一下车,只见满山郁郁葱葱,绿得像是被颜料染过似的。我觉得安吉真不愧被称为“竹乡”,山上、溪边,路旁,农家的屋前后,到处都是高大的竹子,品种繁多,带着斑点的叫斑竹、长成一团的称它为孝顺竹等等,让我看到许多从没见过的竹子,别提有多美了。中午,我们在无蚊山庄吃到了美味的农家菜,有野菜,溪里的小鱼,正宗的土鸡…… 无蚊山庄的夜景也很美,寂静的夜晚,小溪的流水声,竹叶被风轻轻吹动发出的沙沙声,组成了一曲晚春的小夜曲…… 今年的五一劳动节,我过得很快乐,因为它让我看到了农村城市的和谐气氛!
