
时间:2023-11-16 14:50:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


In front of the old long shoots 院里枯木又开花

In the dead wood and blossom 半生存了好多话

Life saved a lot of words 藏进了满头白发

Hidden in the white haired 记忆中的小脚丫

The memory of the little feet 肉嘟嘟的小嘴巴

The meat toot toot small mouth 一生把爱交给他

All my life to love to him 只为那一声爸妈

That only a sound mom and Dad 时间都去哪儿了

Where are all the time 还没好好感受年轻就老了

Haven't really feel young and old 生儿养女 一辈子

He had other sons and daughters 满脑子都是孩子哭了笑了

Is full of children crying laughing 时间都去哪儿了

Where are all the time 还没好好看看你眼睛就花了

Have a look your eyes hadn't spent 柴米油盐 半辈子

Fuel half a lifetime 转眼就只剩下满脸的皱纹了 It is only with wrinkles 记忆中的小脚丫

The memory of the little feet 肉嘟嘟的小嘴巴

The meat toot toot small mouth 一生把爱交给他

All my life to love to him 只为那一声爸妈

That only a sound mom and Dad


Where are all the time 还没好好感受年轻就老了

Haven't really feel young and old 生儿养女 一辈子

He had other sons and daughters 满脑子都是孩子哭了笑了

Is full of children crying laughing 时间都去哪儿了

Where are all the time 还没好好看看你眼睛就花了

Have a look your eyes hadn't spent 柴米油盐 半辈子[7]

Half a lifetime of [7] fuel 转眼就只剩下满脸的皱纹了 It is only with wrinkles
