干洗 DRY CLEANING/熨烫单 PRESSING LIST 请填写表格通知收取洗衣,费用计入房间账户 Please complete this form and call Laundry for collection. The Grand Total will be charged to your account. 姓名 房间号码 日期 Name: Room No: Date: 请填大写(Please use block letters) Special Instruction □ 折叠 □ 悬挂 □ 无浆 □ 轻浆 □ 重浆 FOLDED ON HANGER NO STARCH LIGHT STARCH HEAVY STARCH 号码 签名 Mark No: Guest Signature: □ 基本服务:当日上午十点前收取衣物可在同日六时以后送回 REGULAR SERVICE:Garments collected before 10:00 am will be returned the same day after 6:00pm. □ 特快服务:衣物可在四小时内送回(最后收衣为下午三时)费用收双倍 EXPRESS SERVICE: Garments will be returned within 4 hours from the time of collection (latest collection 3:00 pm). A 100% Express Charge will be applicable. 干洗 DRY CLEANING 宾客数酒店数男士 价目 金额 宾客数酒店数女士 价目 金额 量 量 Gentlemen Price Amount 量 量 Ladies Price Amount Guest Hotel RMB Guest Hotel RMB Count Count Count Count 套装(三件)80.00 晚装 Evening Dress 套装(三件)Suit(3Pes) 套装(二件)Suit(2pes) 大衣 Overcoat 长裙 Dress(long) 短裙 Skirt(plain) 半截裙(百褶)Skirt(full pleats) 衬衣 Blouse 毛衣 Sweater 外套 Jacket 长裤 Pants 围巾 Scarf 套装 Suit(3Pes) 套装 Suit(2pes) 晚装 Evening Dress 长裙 Dress(long) 短裙 Skirt(plain) 半截裙(百褶)Skirt(full pleats) 衬衣 Blouse 长裙 Dress(long) 80.00 80.00 70.00 66.00 56.00 28.00 66.00 56.00 40.00 46.00 36.00 20.00 42.00 48.00 48.00 36.00 18.00 40.00 22.00 22.00 Suit(3pes) 套装(二件)70.00 Suit(2pes) 外套 Jacket 46.00 长裤 36.00 Trousers 恤衫 Silk 36.00 Shirt 毛衣 40.00 Sweater 大衣 66.00 Overcoat 燕尾服 Tuxedo 80.00 背心 20.00 Waistcoat 领呔 Tie 20.00 净熨 PRESSING (Pressing Service available until 6.00 p.m.) 套装 48.00 Suit(3pes) 套装 42.00 Suit(2pes) 外套 Jacket 28.00 长裤 Trousers 22.00 恤衫 Silk 22.00 Shirt 领呔 Tie 12.00 背心 12.00 Waistcoat 燕尾服 Tuxedo 48.00 此表格必须由贵客填写及签名 This form must be completed and signed by the guest 贵客签名: Guest’s Signature 发霉 损坏 脱色 Moth Damaged Discolored 注意事项: REMARKS: 1. 请在单据上填写与签名,连同衣物放入洗衣袋内,若有数量不符合,将会预先通知客人,若贵客没有列明衣物数量,则以酒店之点核为准。 外套 Jacket 28.00 小计 Sub Total: 加百分之百特快费 Plus 100% Express Charge 加百分之十五附加费 Plus 15% Surcharge 总数: Grand Total RMB¥ 脱扣 污迹 Button Missing Stains and Spots Please complete, sign and place this list together with your laundry in the bag provided. Should there be any discrepancies between guest count and hotel count. You will be notified accordingly. Should the list be omitted or not itemized, the hotel count will be taken as correct. 2. 贵客知悉,所有清洗衣物由贵客负全责。酒店当尽量小心,赔偿金额不超过洗涤价之十倍。酒店一概不负任何遗失及损毁之情况。 The hotel at the owner’s risk accepts all laundry. While the utmost care is being exercised by the hotel, the liability of the hotel is limited to ten(10)times the value of the laundry charges. The hotel cannot be held responsible for any further loss or damages. 3. 任何要求应在二十四小时内提出。 Any claims must be made within twenty- four (24) hours. 4. 折叠与上浆的衣物每件加收人民币5元。 All folded and starch laundry will be charge a minimum of RMB5.00per item. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/415642c9adaad1f34693daef5ef7ba0d4a736dfd.html