快乐的五一_节日英语作文带翻译 今天是”五一”劳动节,下午我和我的同学去花园玩耍,我们一起去打羽毛球,羽毛球拍好像一只小蝌蚪,羽毛球好像一个溜溜球,我们玩的很开心,有说有笑的,我们玩一个人发给别人,看谁能接住。还是轮流发球,我们要是玩累了,就在一旁当裁判。 Today is may day. In the afternoon, my classmates and I go to play in the garden. We play badminton together. The badminton racket is like a tadpole, and the badminton is like a yo yo. We have a good time, talking and laughing. We play to send it to others by ourselves to see who can catch it. It's better to serve in turn. If we're tired, we'll be the referee. 打羽毛球可以锻炼身体,增强抵抗力,以后我要常打羽毛球,既开心又健康。 Playing badminton can exercise and strengthen my resistance. I will play badminton often in the future, which is happy and healthy. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/418c7a7dc7da50e2524de518964bcf84b8d52d6c.html