
时间:2022-05-15 00:47:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



June 1st is a special day and a festival for our children. Today, we held a charity sale of love. All the money we have accumulated should be donated to the children in the poor mountainous areas. 在上午第二节课的时候,义卖就正式开始了。我们先搬来桌子和椅子再把要卖的东西都拿下来,分好1元区、2元区、3区、4元区、5元区、8元区、10元区和15元区,把东西都一样一样的放上去,等东西差不多放好的时候,义卖就开始了。 In the second class in the morning, the charity sale officially began. We first brought in the table and chairs and then took down all the things we wanted to sell. We divided them into 1 Yuan area, 2 yuan area, 3 yuan area, 4 yuan area, 5 Yuan area, 8 yuan area, 10 yuan area and 15 yuan area. We put all the things on the same place. When the things are almost ready, the charity sale begins.


所,看到他们卖的东西时,我和周慧敏不由得眼前一亮。原来是手链和项链吸引了我们,我们马上就一头栽进了这些物品中。来翻去终于找到了我最喜欢的手链,而周周却看中了一条好看的项链,我们就花了5元钱把它买了下来。我门又跑到六(2)班的义卖场所。我们先买了3支笔,这样就拿到了三个套圈,可以开始套东西了,周周先对准目标,然后扔出手中的套圈,可惜的是没有套中,接下来也一样,都没有套种,可是我们都很开心。 Zhou Zhou and I went to class 5 (3) to have a look. Because it was too hot, I saw one of the small fans at a glance. I spent five yuan to sell it. Look East and west again. Zhou Zhou and I found the six (3) class bazaar. When we saw what they were selling, Zhou Huimin and I couldnt help but brighten our eyes. It turned out that bracelets and necklaces attracted us, and we immediately fell into these items. I finally found my favorite bracelet, but Zhou Zhou took a fancy to a beautiful necklace, so we spent 5 yuan to buy it. We ran to the charity sale of class 6 (2). We bought three pens first, so we got three rings. We can start to set things. Zhou Zhou aimed at the target first, and then threw out the rings in his hand. Unfortunately, there was no ring in the middle, and then there was no ring. But we were very happy.



Because, although there is no suit, we can help the children in the mountain area to study, read books and wear new clothes. In a short time, it will make me very happy.
