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保龄球的英语说法: bowling

保龄球相关英语表达: 保龄球场地 bowling alley; 保龄球木瓶 bowling pin 保龄球的英语例句:

1. Everyone wanted to bowl, hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley.

大家都想玩保龄球,因此大家都想开保龄球馆。 2. They go in for tennis and bowls. 他们爱打网球和保龄球。 3. I go bowling for relaxation. 我打保龄球是为了消遣。

4. The aim in bowling is to knock down all the pins with one or two bowls.


5. Playing billiards , golf or bowling, isn't it just pushing balls around?

台球、保龄球 高尔夫球, 无非是球. 6. He takes to bowling with a few of them. 他还常常跟几个同事去打保龄球.

7. I think it's a really cool idea to have a birthday party in a bowling alley.


8. Right. Bowling is also an indoor sport. . 保龄球也是室内运动.

9. What do you say we drive out to Fairview and bowl? 我们开车去飞优去打保龄球怎么样?

10. There will be a bowling alley in our school next year. 明年我们学校将会有一个保龄球房.

11. Example : How much dose it cost to go bowling? 打保龄球要花多少钱?

12. Star of Tomorrow Tenpin Bowling Talent Identification Programme -- -- Entry Form.

明日之星--潜质保龄球运动员甄选计划 ---- 报名表格. 13. I won a bowling trophy at the bowling competition. 我在保龄球比赛上赢到一座奖杯.

14. If I feel crazy, I like to do stuff like go bowling. 如果我发疯,像去保龄球, 我喜欢做东西.

15. The cost for playing tenpin bowling is now $ 2.25. 玩保龄球的价格现在是2.25美元.

保龄球英语怎么说 保龄球,又称地滚球,是在木板道上滚球击柱的一种室内运动。保龄球具有娱乐性、趣味性、抗争性和技巧性,给人以身体和意志的锻炼。那么你知道保龄球用英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来保龄球的英语说法,欢迎大家学习! 保龄球的英 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式
