搭档用英语怎么说 搭档意为同另一个人联合或紧密联系以组成一对。良好的团队合作能够提高工作效率,有一个适合自己的搭档是十分重要的。那么你知道搭档用英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来搭档的英语说法和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习。 partner 英 [ˈpɑ:tnə] 美 [ˈpɑrtnɚ] work together 英 [wə:k təˈɡeðə] 美 [wɚk təˈɡɛðɚ] 完美搭档 Perfect Partner 最佳搭档 good partners 黄金搭档 Golden partner 这是绝妙的安排,完美的搭档。 It was a nifty arrangement, a perfect partnership. 我得跟我的搭档商量。 I have to consult with any partner. 我的搭档故意叫四方块,以示关门。 My partner signed off with four diamonds. 他向桥牌搭档使了个会意的眼色。 He cast a sly glance at his bridge partner. 选民的那一票,要投给某个党派由5至6名候选人搭档而成的小组。 Voters cast a single ballot for a party slate of candidates. 在一个搭档的帮助下完成这项训练得最好的。 This exercise is best done with a partner to assist. 你反而用另一句粗话来反驳搭档。 You snap back with another profanity. 我碰巧有一个忠实的好搭档。 I happen to have an honest partner. 本周与搭档的问题可能要引起高度关注。 Problems with your partner could be reaching a high level of concern. 格里提出和我一起搭档打网球。 Gerry offered to partner me at tennis. 我的搭*搭档能弄到更多这种宝石。 My pe* Partner can get more of them. 把聚会安排在周六,这样你就可以找自己的搭档和其他愿意帮把手的成年人来帮忙了。 Have the party on a Saturday, when you can get your partner and other willing adults to help. 你的搭档跟你一样极度地失落,但他也许会觉得男儿有泪不轻弹。 Your partner can feel the loss as acutely as you, but may feel that it is unmanly to cry. 汉森和他的搭档因为不服从上级安排被解雇了。 Hansen and his partner were fired for insubordination. 他向桥牌搭档使了个会意的眼色。 He cast a sly glance at his bridge partner. 我了升职了,成为你的搭档。 Hogan: I got promoted to be your partner. 相比起爱和原谅我们的搭档,爱一个好朋友会更容易些。 It's often much easier to love a good friend than it is to love and forgive our partner. 此时可以开始找语言学习搭档了。 Now is the time to start finding language partners. 和亲戚一星期在一起喝一次或几次咖啡或茶,主动给亲戚或亲近的朋友看孩子,比如说和老搭档去打高尔夫、散步或者打网球等等,努力安排两件定期做的事。 Go have a coffee or tea with a relative once a week or the like. Offer to babysit for a relative or close friends. Golf, walk, or 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8037386aa717866fb84ae45c3b3567ec102ddc68.html