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【期刊名称】《宜宾学院学报》 【年(),期】2016(16)3

【摘 要】商议型治理是“镇委—村委”处理农民上访中利益诉求的一种方式,其本身也蕴含了一种上下一致的政治逻辑。但问题的关键是,当农民面对伤害,施害方已经被判定为违法的时候,依然需与违法者进行“商议”来化解资产分配不公与卖户口等问题,这进一步加深了不公,暴露出商议型治理在面对经济纠纷时的缺陷及“商议”背后的“同意困境”。如果试图去降低农民上访程度与烈度,弥合政府权威与权力合法性受损,就需要从本质上依法处理相关问题,而不能用非制度化的“软权力”加以解决。%“Deliberative governance” is one way for“town-village” to deal with the petition farmers’ inter-ests which contains a a consistent political logic.But the problem is that when facing damage, although the application has been judged to be illegal, the farmers still need to negotiate with the illegal person to resolve the problem, such as asset allocation and sales of accounts and other issues.That deepens unfairness and re-veals the defects facing economic disputes and the “agreement dilemma” behind “consent” of deliberative governance.In order to reduce the degree and intensity of the farmers’ petition and avoid damaging the gov-ernment authority and power legitimacy, it is

necessary to deal with the relevant problems in nature, and not to solve them with non-institutionalized“soft power”. 【总页数】9(P70-77,105) 【作 者】刘晨

【作者单位】澳门大学 社会学系,澳门 999087 【正文语种】 【中图分类】D632.8 【相关文献】

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