
时间:2022-03-19 17:48:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

龙在十二生肖中最为神秘高贵,也离现实最远。中国人对龙有一种特殊的感情,它是一种能呼风唤雨,腾云驾雾的神物。帝王称自己是真龙天子、百姓称自己是龙的传人。因此民间有许多关于龙的习俗和成语。 二月二龙抬头 Dragon Headsraising Day 端午节赛龙舟 Dragon Boat Festival 耍龙灯 dragon lantern dancing 龙飞凤舞 an elegant handwriting

龙马精神 the energy like a dragon and a horse 龙争虎斗 a fight between a dragon and a tiger

龙心凤肝 rare dishesdragon's heart and phoenix's liver

龙凤呈祥 prosperity brought by dragon and phoenix in an extremely good fortune

画龙点睛 a finishing touch

卧虎藏龙 crouching tiger, hidden dragon 生龙活虎 full of life and energy 望子成龙 hold high hopes for one's child 乘龙快婿 a son-in-law of high rank

鲤鱼跃龙门 carp over the goal can be transformed into a dragon

