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课程号 英文名称 先修课程




China’s Education and Its Cultural Foundations



基础,打造中外学生学习的交流环境和对话平台,促进不同文化背景的学生之间对不同国家和地区教育的理解和认识。课程教学的方式包括教师讲 授,学生分组讨论,古代学校遗址参观,不同国家和地区教育报告等环节。The course will create modules for international as well as domestic students who are interested in China's Education in historical context and comparative perspective. The course is devoted to China's education from antiquity to the contemporary time. In addition to acquiring a general knowledge of China's education and relevant cultural context, participants in the course are expected to be actively involved in creating materials for the course;


including discussing on China’s education and relevance, setting up a platform of dialogues between international students and local students. The course aims to promote the mutual understanding of the nature of Chinese education and others in the way that upcoming participants learn from each other. The course test will rely on their presentation, performance in the group discussion in terms of relevant topics and their final essays on comparing China’s education and their own countries.

开课院系 通选课领域 是否属于艺术与美育

平台课性质 平台课类型 授课语言 教材 参考书

教育学院 英文

cultural foundations of Chinese Education,Gu Mingyuan,Brill,2014,2212-7437

This course is one of the component courses of international education, which is a selective course with the purpose of the training of international students working on education and


relevance. Through the course study, international students can understand the basic national conditions and the current situation of the development in China and beyond. It expands the students’ global perspectives and lays a good foundation for those

international students who engaged in cross culture and educational relevance

Unit one: General Introduction: Saga of China Education o Education in Chinese Context: conception and operation o The culture foundation of China Education o Social transformation and China’s education o PISSA performance and the secret to success o Challenges and future 2020 vision

Unit Two: Legacy of Chinese ancient education before 1860 o Schooling : public and private sectors

o Magnates and Great Clans: from Confucian to Zhu Xi

o Higher learning Institutions: Shuyuan and Keju (exam)system o Curriculum and books : four Great books, five classics and others(Xueji)

Unit Three: Changes of Modern education movement in Qsing dynasty and republic China periods

o Hundred days Reform Movement and establishing New Schooling systems

o First universities and Peking University reform

o Southwest Alliance University in the Anti-Japanese war period o Christian Universities in Republic China

o Red Universities in communist-controlled areas Unit Four: Reconstruction and reshaping of new China education system after 1949

o Reconstruction of new system in 1950s

o Education destruction in the Cultural Revolution

o Recovery of Gaokao system from Post- Mao regime up to now o Educational Reform Decision in 1985 and 1992 o Reshaping Chinese education in 1990s

Unit Five; Reform China education in the new century o Suzu Education Movement and New curriculum reform o Reorganization and emerging HEI movement

o Higher education expansion movement: from elite to mass stage education

o The Rising of online education and Chinese MOOCs o Quality evaluation and assessment

Unit Six: China K-12 Education and its problems o Structure of Schooling system: from K to 12

o Pre-school education: responsibility, objective content, and operation

o School admission arrangement o School curriculum o Financing K-12 education

o Examination and “Zhongkao” and “Gaokao” o Challenges and solutions

Unit Seven: China higher Education and its Problems o Academic system by levels, types and affiliations o Leadership and governance of universities: China way

o The ambitious goal pursuing WCU level institutions: from 211 to 985 project

University Suzi education campaign and reshaping China’s general education

o Internationalization of China (higher )education o Challenges and solutions

o Unit Eight: China other education o Special education o Vocational education o Adult education o Teacher education

Unit Nine: China education and beyond from comparative perspectiveS

o Lecture: global education in Changing o Presentation by groups: country cases o Remark conclusion lecture

group discussion fieldwork (sightseeing) presentation final paper

Class attendance (20%)

Participation and discussion (20%) Team work and presentation (20%) Final paper work (40%)


