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off英语音标 [ɒf] [ɔf] off的时态 过去分词: offed 过去式: offed 现在分词: offing off的意思.

prep. 从…落下; 离开; 从…去掉; 下班;adv. 离开; 距,离; 被取消; ;adj. 不新鲜的; 不能接受; 不礼貌;n. 起跑;v. 杀死;

off的近义词 removed off的反义词 on

off的双解释义 prep.(介词)

(表示位置)在…的外面,在…的沿海 at the outside of (表示时间)在…之前 ahead of

(表示方向)从…,通向,偏离,从…离开 from; away from (表示比较)低于,不及 be lower than

(表示否定)不想,不做 not wishing or needing to take (表示来源) …from (表示依附)依靠 depend on adv.(副词)

离开 at or to a point distant in space; away

脱落 into a state of being disconnected or removed

断开 disconnected at the mains; not being supplied , so as to be completely finished or no longer 休息 away or free from regular work adj.(形容词)

[A]休息的; 闲散的; 安静的 with less than usual activity; quiet [P]不新鲜的 no longer fresh off的词汇搭配 off and []忽然

off with (用于祈使句)去除;脱掉 off of

go off 离开;进行;变质;睡去 right off 立刻;马上

from off 从…离开 off and on 断断续续地,时不时地 on off 开关离合通断双位式 straight off 立即;马上

from the off [英国俚语]从头开始; off英语例句

1. I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest. 我感觉吐吐苦水对我有好处。

2. Their first car rolls off the production line on December 16. 他们的第一辆车于1216日下线。

3. French soldiers squared off with a gunman at a road checkpoint.

在一个公路检查站法国士兵摆开架势,准备迎战一名持枪者。 4. Lights reflected off dust-covered walls creating a ghostly luminescence.


5. "Telmex" was bought off the government by a group of investors.

