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there are no winners in war, only losers. 2、战争在你愿意时开始,却并不在你乐意时结束。

war begins when you want, but does not end when you want. 3、从来就不存在好的战争,也不存在坏的和平。 there has never been a good war or a bad peace. 4、战争是惨烈的人生,人生是慢节奏的战争。

war is a tragic life, and life is a slow-paced war. 5、袭击是游击战争的基本作战形式。

attacks are the basic form of guerrilla warfare. 6、黄金和财富是战争的主要根源。

gold and wealth are the main causes of war.


the important thing in war is to achieve the results of politics, not military success.


if everyone fought only for his own beliefs, there would be no war. 9、战争来临时,真理是第一个牺牲品。 when war comes, truth is the first victim. 10、战争毁灭了一个时代,战争也创造了新的世界。 war has destroyed an era and created a new world. 11、你攻占一个地区后,确保敌人也知道。

when you capture an area, make sure the enemy knows it. 12、装成无关紧要的人,敌人可能子弹不多,不想浪费在你身上。 act like an insignificant person. the enemy may not have many bullets and don't want to waste them on you.

13、如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。 if your attack goes well, it must be a trap. 14、只有对那些需要战争的人来说,战争才是正义的。


war is just only for those who need it. 15、任意对待被征服者是战争给予征服者的权利。

arbitrary treatment of the conquered is the right given to the conqueror by war.


war is the son of pride, and pride is the daughter of wealth. 17、婚姻是战争,而且是一场持久战没有赢家的战争。

marriage is a war, and a war that lasts without winners. 18、在战略上是打强的,在战役、战术上是打弱的。 strong in strategy and weak in battle and tactics. 19、每一代都至少应该经历一场战争的洗礼。

every generation should experience at least one battle.

20、在发动战争和进行战争时,是非问题是无关紧要的,紧要的是胜利! in launching and conducting wars, the right and wrong issues are irrelevant, and the victory is the most important thing! 21、我宁愿在岁而不是在或岁发动战争。

i would rather wage war at the age of one than at the age of another. 22、时代呼唤战争而不是和平。 time calls for war, not peace. 23、战争似乎就意味着血和铁。 war seems to mean blood and iron.

24、虽然战争不能带来和平,但是战争能平息战争。 although war cannot bring peace, war can calm war. 25、战争的目的必须是为了和平。 the purpose of war must be for peace.

26、战争对每个人来说,都是灭顶之灾,没有人能置身事外。 war is a disaster to everyone. no one can stay out of it. 27、在恋爱和战争中先发制人,都是天经地义的。 preemptive action in love and war is natural. 28、赢得战争只不过是使和平有一个良好的开端。


winning war is only a good beginning for peace. 29、兵不能胜大患,不能合民心者也。

a soldier can't win a great danger, nor can he please the people. 30、金钱是爱情的基础,也是战争的资本。

money is the foundation of love and the capital of war. 31、最初的奋力一击,是战争成功的分水岭。

the first hard blow is the watershed of the success of the war. 32、通过战争手段比通过广开言路更能牢靠地维护政权。

it is more reliable to safeguard the regime by means of war than by means of open speech.

33、和平孕育着战争,战争孕育着和平。 peace breeds war, war breeds peace.


if your attack is unsuccessful, call for air support immediately. 35、逃跑的敌军大概只是打算先撤退后反击。

the fleeing enemy is probably just trying to retreat before fighting back.

36、世界上的战争无非是过了界,但你我安好都不过界,内心无战争。 the world's wars are nothing more than crossing borders, but you and i are all well off, there is no war in our hearts.

37、在和平年代中,儿子埋葬父亲。但是在战争中,父母埋葬儿子。 in peacetime, the son buried his father. but in war, parents bury their sons.

