
时间:2023-05-10 05:03:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


if people are not far-sighted and absent-minded, they may not succeed in learning.

2、艺术家一开始总是业余爱好者。 artists are always amateurs at first.

3、好奇的目光常常可以看到比他所希望看到的东西更多。 curious eyes often see more than he wants to see. 4、我认为对于一切情况,只有热爱才是最好的老师。 i think love is the best teacher in all situations. 5、哪里没有兴趣,哪里就没有记忆。

where there is no interest, there is no memory.


vanity-loving people cover up an ugly underwear with a rich coat. 7、天才,就是强烈的兴趣和顽强的入迷。

genius is a strong interest and tenacious obsession.

8、兴趣最狭窄的人懂得最少,然而什么都感兴趣的人则什么都不懂。 the person with the narrowest interest knows the least, but the person who is interested in everything knows nothing. 9、新闻要适合直接感兴趣的人口味。

news should be suitable for people who are directly interested in it. 10、真实的世界使我感兴趣,因为它是可塑的。 the real world interests me because it is plastic.

11、爱好意味着自我活动。爱好须是多方面的,因此,要求多方面的活动。 hobbies mean self-activity. hobbies must be multi-faceted, so it requires multi-faceted activities.

12、在原则产问题上,要坚定如磐石;在兴趣问题上,则要顺应潮流。 on the issue of principle production, we should be firm as a rock; on the issue of interest, we should conform to the trend. 13、学问必须合乎自己的兴趣,方可得意。


learning must conform to one's own interests before one can be proud of it.


the hobby of literature and art is an indestructible instinct. 15、对所学知识内容的兴趣可能成为学习动机。

interest in the content of knowledge may be a motivation for learning. 16、对自己抱有兴趣的人使我们感兴趣。

people who are interested in themselves interest us. 17、爱好由来落笔难,一诗千改始心安。

the origin of hobbies is difficult to write, and a poem changes from one thousand to the next. 18、爱好即获得知识的第一步。

hobbies are the first step to acquire knowledge.


appreciation is the reason why you like something for its own sake. 20、爱好读书,就能把无聊的时刻变成喜悦的时刻。

if you like reading, you can turn boring moments into happy moments. 21、爱好文雅,广延诗赋,以知得失。

love elegance, extend poetry, to know the gains and losses. 22、人都需要娱乐和变换兴趣,以防止变得迟钝、呆滞和智力上的闭塞。 all people need entertainment and change of interest to prevent them from becoming dull, dull and intellectually blocked.

23、对一件东西的爱好是由知识产生的,知识愈准确,爱好也就愈强烈。 a hobby for something is generated by knowledge. the more accurate the knowledge is, the stronger the hobby will be. 24、学习的最大动力,是对学习材料的兴趣。

the greatest motivation of learning is the interest in learning materials.

25、爱好书籍的人,决不会缺乏真实的朋友、有益的顾问和愉快的伴侣。 people who like books will never lack true friends, helpful counselors

