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英语exacting的用法是比较常见的,大家有必要知道它的中文意思。一起来看看店铺为大家整理收集了英文单词exacting包含的几种中文意思吧,欢迎大家阅读! exacting`中文意思

[ɪgˈzæktɪŋ] [ɪɡˈzæktɪŋ]

原级:exact比较级:exacter; more exact最高级:exactest; most exact第三人称单数:exacts过去分词:exacted过去式:exacted

形容词 费劲的; 需细致小心的; (标准)严格的; (对别人)严格的 动词 苛求; 要求( exact的现在分词 ); 迫使; 强迫 相关例句 形容词

1. Both were exacting bosses. 两个都是严厉的老板。

2. It was a day of exacting and tiring work. 这是工作得又苦又累的一天。

3. Volunteers are needed for an exacting assignment. 需要志愿者承担艰巨任务。 词典解释

1. 费劲的;苛刻的;要求严格的

You use exacting to describe something or someone that demands hard work and a great deal of care.

e.g. The Duke was not well enough to carry out such an exacting task...


e.g. Privately they seem to have the same exacting standards. 私下里,他们似乎都有同样苛刻的标准。


1. Exacting standards set for translators also play a key role in guaranteeing quality, according to Chen.

2. China is constantly improving its laws to prohibit the exacting of evidence through torture or other illegal means by judicial officials.

3. Constantly challenge employees by setting and exacting the highest standards, spurring them on to achieve what are seemingly impossible targets.

4. FIFA conducted private testing for 10 systems in February but all of them failed to meet the exacting requirements.

5. It is one of the most exacting national tests in China, with pass rates often falling under 20 percent. exacting的双语例句

1. First of all, the basic material must be made to exacting standard.


2. If you go on exacting so much from me. I'll kill you. 如果你再逼我要那么多钱,我就杀了你。

3. BM-1000 is a professional condenser microphone, which adopts the exacting complete electronic circuit control and gold-plate diaphragm capsule.


4. Control was not, of course, as exacting as that required by laboratory experimentation.


5. It is alsomanufactured to more exacting standards to ensure purityand uniformity in every tablet.

