淡江大學 96學年度第1 學期課程教學計畫表(格式二) 壹、科目名稱:S.T. in Adv. Org. Chem., Thr Molecular Orbitals and Their Application to Organic Chemical Reactions 貳、授課老師:Lin, Yun-shan 參、開課系所班級:Students for Ph.D. and M.S. Programs 肆、必選修:election 伍、學分數:3 陸、先修科目:Organic and Physical Chemistry 柒、教學內容及進度: I. Interaction of Two Atomic Orbitals on Different Centers 1) Basic approximations 2) Construction of MOs 3) Application to some simple diatomic molecules 4) Overlap and symmetry 5) Application of symmetry ideas to some polyatomic molecules II. The Fragment Orbital Method; Application of Some Model Systems 1) Molecular orbitals of some models, Hn 2) Influence of electonegativity on the form and energy of the Mol. Orbitals III. Interactions Between Two Fragment Orbitals: Linear AH2, Trigonal AH3, and Tetrahedral AH4 IV. Interactions Between Three Fragments: AH, Bent AH2 and Pyramidal AH3 1) Rules for the interaction of three orbitals 2) Electronic structure of AH molecules 3) Bent AH2 molecules 4) Pyramidal AH3 moleclules V. Interactions Between Four Fragment Orbitals: The diatomic molecules A2 & AB VI. Large Molecules 1) MOs of acetylene, ethylene and ethane 2) Conjugated polenes: allyl, butadiene, cyclopropenyl, cyclobutadiene and benzene 3) Aromatic, antiaromatic compounds and Huckel rule VII. Orbital Correlation Diagrams: The Model Systems H3 and H3 VIII. Geometry of AH2 and AH3 Molecules IX. Molecular Geometry Using Fragment Molecular Orbitals X. Introduction to Study of Chemical Reactivity 1) The frontier orbital approximation 2) Cycloaddition reactions 3) Ionic reactions a) Nucleophilic addition reactions b) Displacement reactions i) Nucleophilic substitution ii) Electrophilic substitution 捌、授課方式:Lecture and Discussion 玖、教學設備:Projector 拾、教材課本:Yves Jean, F.Volatron & J. Burdett, An Introduction to Molecular Orbitals, Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1993 拾壹、參考書籍:1) T.A.Albright, J.K.Burdett & M.H. Whangbo, Orbial Interactions in Chemistry, John Wiley and Sons, New York 1985 2) Arvi Houk, Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1994 3) John M. Tedder & Anthony Nechvatal, Pictorial Orbital Theory, Pitman, London 1985 拾貳、成績考核方式: 平時成績: 50 % Home Exercise 期中考成績: % 期末考成績: 50 % Take-home Examination 讀書報告: % 其他( ): % +-拾參、備考: 1.本表格式請參考使用,教學計畫表格有兩種,授課教師可至教務處首頁「表格下載」中取得,任擇一種使用。 2.自製格式請具備上述項目。 3.教學計畫表上傳步驟:教務處首頁點選「教務資訊查詢」→「教師之教學計畫表上傳下載」網址:http://ap09.emis.tku.edu.tw/。 為了要了解很多有機化學反應的機構就要靠Lewis理論進而由英國化學家Robert Robin 公爵和C. K. Ingold 發展出的電子理論,所謂使用彎曲的箭號( )來描示電子移動反應的化學過程。加上美國的化學家諾貝爾獎得主Linus Carl Pauling 提出的共振理論(Resonance 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4563d6ba48fe04a1b0717fd5360cba1aa8118cd7.html