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你知道是什么吗?下面一起来看看吧。 打篮球的英文释义: play basketball 打篮球的英文例句:


We are going to play neither basketball nor volleyball. 我很累了。早餐以来我一直都在打篮球。

I'm rather tired. I've been playing basketball since breakfast. 我们明天不打篮球。

We will not play basketball tomorrow. 我每周都和朋友打篮球。

I play basketball every week with friends.


In the afternoon, we play basketball or tennis. 以前我和一些朋友每星期六下午都去打篮球.

I used to go play basketball with some of my friends every Saturday afternoon.


Applause. She recently told a reporter, “I’d like to really inspire a lot of youngMuslim girls if they want to play basketball.


Teenage boys play basketball in the shadow of a high school, damaged andclosed for now, as camp residents do what they can to get on with their lives.

我要是不这么快去打篮球就好了,这样我的肚子就不会痛了。 If I don't go to play basketball well, so I wouldn't hurt. 我们经常课后去那打篮球。

After class, we often play basketball there. ⑶——谁愿意和我们一起打篮球?

Who'd like to play basketball with us?

有的时候我和我的朋友经常去徐家汇周围打篮球。 上面的问题有很多答案。 Most of my friends play basketball and so we usually play after school in the school grounds.


We play basketball backstage during my concerts.


He had been to more than 70 countries and regions to play basketball and found that, for some people, sport was the only way to improve their lives. 今天我吃完晚饭就去打篮球了,可是不一会儿我的肚子就变得很痛了,我只能今天不去打篮球了,真是遗憾。

Today I eat dinner went to play basketball, but not while my belly is very painful, Ican not go to play basketball today, I'm sorry. 我每天放学后都打篮球。

I play basketball everyday after school. 他经常跟他的同事们一起打篮球。

He always plays basketball with his workmates.


He even thought about giving it all up and retiring, so he asked his

doctor if he did not have surgery would he be able to play basketball with his child?


We are going to play basketball this afternoon.


Everyone wants them to play basketball from a very young age, but no one caresabout studying, " Li said.


After several attempts, nobody came to him anymore for the car, or to playbasketball or poker.


I called the friend's name **, like me, he likes to play basketball. 我们来打篮球!这样我就可以燃烧掉一些热量。

Let's play basketball !so I can burn some calories.

