. Letter of Guarantee JAN 14,2015 This is to certify Ms. XXX, Female, She was born on Mar.23,1973. The passport No. . She is Teacher of XXXXX School, with annual income of about RMB XXXXX . Ms. XXX is planning to visit the UK from Jan.23,2015 to Fab.28,2015. Her position will be retained during her absence and she will assume the same position when she returns. Our school guarantees that she will observe the local laws in the UK. She will come back to China on scheduled time after this visit. All the expenses of this visit will be borne by school. XXX School Add: Tel: Fax: 证明信 . . 兹证明 XXX ,性别 女 ,出生日期 1973 年 3 月 23 日,护照号XXXXXXX,在XXXXXX学校担任 教师 职务。税后年薪为人民币 XXXXXX 元。 XXX计划访英时间为2015年1月23日至2015年2月28日。在她出国期间我们将为其保留职位,回国之后将继续在本单位工作。我们保证她在英国期间会遵守当地法律,旅行结束后她将如期回国。 本校将承担她在英国期间的相关费用。 单位(盖章) 领导(签字) 电话: 传真: 地址: 日期:2015年1月14日 . 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/45dc3e5ce718964bcf84b9d528ea81c758f52e1e.html