MTI翻译教材,英汉对照范文: 东寻坊悬崖边上 专给自杀者希望的日本老人 魏道培 在日本西海岸的东寻坊上空晴空万里,阳光明媚,游客甚多。这里因跳海自杀者甚多而闻名,因此也成为最负盛名的旅游胜地。 They come on sunny days, when the sky is bright and clear above the Tojinbo cliffs along the coast of the Sea of Japan. Yukio Shige says they don't look at the view. "They don't carry a camera or souvenir gifts," he says. "They don't have anything. They hang their heads and stare at the ground." 由纪夫实戈(Yukio Shige)是一位退休警察。他数年如一日,在这里每天拿着望远镜巡游。他说:“其中一些人都会选择晴朗天气来这里,但不是来看风景的,也不买任何纪念品。他们不是没有钱,而是为结束生命赶来的。” For five years, Shige, 65, has approached such people at the cliffs' edge with a simple "Hello" and a smile. He might ask how they came there and at what inn they were staying. Sometimes after a light touch to the shoulder, Shige says, they burst into tears, and he begins to console them. "You've had a hard time up until now," he says, "haven't you?" 5年来,年满65岁的由纪夫实戈已习惯于挽救这里的寻死者。他总是先用一句简单问候语打招呼,然后亲切的接近他们。他问他们来东寻坊做啥,或下榻在哪家酒店,然后,像亲人一样拍拍对方肩膀。此时,寻死者眼泪夺眶而出。他劝慰他们:“开心点,孩子。艰难总会过去的„„。” The basalt cliffs in Fukui prefecture, north of Kyoto on the western coast of Japan, are a well-known site for suicide in a country with one of the highest suicide rates in the world; at 23.8 per 100,000, Japan's rate is significantly higher than that of the U.S., for example, where the rate is 11 per 100,000. One in 5 Japanese men and women has seriously considered taking his or her life, according to a recent government survey; each year over the past decade, more than 30,000 people have killed themselves. And as the economic downturn has pushed rates of unemployment and bankruptcy higher, the number of suicides has risen. From January through April, 11,236 people killed themselves, up 4.5% from the same period in 2008. "I think there will be many more suicides this year," says Shige. 日本西海岸的东寻坊由玄武岩构成,位于北部福井县西海岸边,这里由于海水长年冲刷,出现大量柱状山岩,悬崖绝壁,犬牙交错,怪石嶙峋,峭壁高达50米,水深达17米,构成了世界上少见的石林景观。在过去10余年间,这里一直是日本人的“自杀圣地”,已有数以百计的日本人从这里跳下悬崖,葬身鱼腹。每年约有25.7人在这里自杀。美国旧金山金门大桥上年均20人跳海自杀,其人数也无法与东寻坊相比。 日本自杀率高企不下,每10万人就有23人自杀,这个比例堪称世界之最,而美国每10万人中自杀者仅11人。据最近调查显示,虽然有1/5的日本人珍惜生命,但在过去几十年里,日本自杀率一直呈上升趋势,而来东寻坊寻求自杀未续者已逾万人之多。 1 世界性金融危机给日本带来深重影响,近年经济萧条的影响远比世人想象的严重,个人债务缠身、公司频临倒闭、自杀率随经济状况的恶化而上升。今年仅1-4月,全日本就有逾1.1万人自杀,与08年同比增加了4.5%。毫无疑问,来东寻坊的自杀者也在攀升。 The retired detective from nearby Fukui City has patrolled the cliffs two or three times a day since 2004, wearing white gloves and a floppy sun hat, carrying binoculars to focus on three spots on the cliffs where suicides are most common. He has set up a nonprofit foundation to aid the work and says he has helped prevent 188 potential suicides. After he's talked them off the cliffs, Shige--a trained counselor--takes them to his small office, where two gas heaters keep a kettle boiling, ready to make the tea that accompanies his counseling sessions. For men, Shige says, the biggest problems are debt and unemployment; most of the women are there because of depression or health issues. "If it's a case of sexual harassment, I'll go with her to the office and confront her boss," says Shige. "If a child has issues with his father, I tell the parent that he is driving his child to suicide and get them to write a promise to change. They hang it on the wall." There's no rush in Shige's office. He offers those who go there oroshi-mochi, a dish of pounded sticky rice served with grated radish. Traditionally the food is prepared to celebrate the New Year, with each family taking its own rice to be mixed with that of its neighbors. "When people come here and eat mochi, they remember their childhood--father, mother, siblings, hometown. They remember they're not alone," Shige says. 由纪夫实戈曾是福井县的警探,早已退休。他确信,每一个生命都是有价值的,应该全力挽救。自从2004年以来,他每天从早到晚都拿着望远镜,在东寻坊海边石林巡游。他戴着一双白手套和一顶宽松的外沿帽,举着双筒望远镜密切注视着远处自杀最为频繁的3个地点。一旦发现某人面带悲伤和绝望,有自杀动机,就会快步走过去询问。为了挽救自杀者,他还建立了一个非赢利组织,专门帮助轻生者。历经5年劝慰寻死者,他已成为训练有素的心理指导专家,他一个人已挽救了188起自杀者,成功地阻止了他们的自杀行为。 把这些人从山崖上劝下来后,由纪夫把他们带到一个温馨的小屋。里边有一个火炉,一天到晚烧着开水,他随时为绝望者沏茶。然后与他们攀谈。由此,他知道了,来这里的自杀者大多不是当地人,而是来自日本各地的大城市。他们多数是从乡村走向城市的居民,因各种原因走投无路。 其中有一位27岁的年轻人就是这样。他原本从乡村前往东京一家建筑公司工作,公司倒闭他被解雇,他背了一屁股的债后已没有了生活着落,因此被房东扫地出门。由纪夫实戈把他从悬崖上救下来时,他身上只有50块日元。由纪夫让他倾诉苦衷后,他似乎心情有所改善。在由纪夫的启发下,他毅然决然要回去重新找工作。由纪夫发现,自杀者男性居多,他们最严重的问题是欠债和失业;而女性产生自杀念头的主要原因是抑郁症、失恋或家庭破裂。由纪夫说:“倘若是遭遇性骚扰,那么我会和她一起去那个色狼老板理论一番。若是孩子和父亲间产生代沟而不能化解,我会告诉孩子的父母,他们已把孩子逼到了绝路,然后请他们写下保证书贴在墙上,保证与孩子沟通,承诺当好父母。” 由纪夫实戈的小屋摆设简陋而有条不紊。寻死者被劝到这里后首先得到的是一份年糕,由搅碎的糯米和萝卜做成。日本人一般是在大年夜要和邻居一起吃这东西,即每家每户过年都会拿出自己的大米和邻居家的大米混合一块儿,以示邻里亲善和谐。由纪夫说:“从东寻坊下来的人吃了年糕会情不自禁的想起自己的童年、往事、父亲,母亲,兄弟姐妹以及家乡美景。他们会突然发觉自己并不孤2 本文来源: