论文摘要模版(注:摘要要求论点明确、叙述清楚、文字精炼、论文摘要限A4一页以内;页边距上下各2.54cm,左右各1.91cm) 中文摘要: 摘要题目 (中文:宋体,英文和数字:Times New Roman, 三号字, 加粗, 居中) 作者1,作者2,通讯作者1,*(宋体,小四号字) 1单位1 (宋体, 五号字) 2单位2 (宋体, 五号字) E-mail: 摘要 低温是限制植物生长发育、作物产量以及植被分布的重要环境因子。目前对低温的研究主要是围绕转录因子CBF进行的……(中文:宋体, 英文和数字:Times New Roman,小四号字,1.5倍行距) 关键词:低温胁迫;OST1/SnRK2.6;ICE1;蛋白稳定性;拟南芥 关键词:(中文:宋体,英文和数字:Times New Roman,小四号字,1.5倍行距) 专题:(从以下专题中选一个) 1.植物逆境信号转导 2.植物激素互作与逆境应答 3.植物逆境基因表达与调控 4.植物响应养分亏缺的生理及分子基础 英文摘要 Abstract Title (Times New Roman, 14pt, bold, centered) Author a, Co-Author b, corresponding author a, * (Times New Roman, 12pt) a Department1, Institution1, Address, City1, Country1 (Times New Roman, 10pt). Department2, Institution2, Address, City2, Country2 (email only for the presenting author) b Please prepare your abstract in English language. (Times New Roman, 12pt, single line spacing) Abstract Cold stress is an environmental factor that limits plant growth, development and distribution. The C-repeat-binding factor-(CBF) dependent cold signaling pathway has been extensively studied in Arabidopsis; however ....(Times New Roman, 12pt, 1.5 line spacing) References should be indicated as consecutive numbers placed in square brackets, e.g. [1] and [2,3], etc., and referenced as in the example below. References: [1] A.B. Smith, C.D. Brown (Year). Journal, Vol, Initial page. (Times New Roman 10pt, single line spacing.) Preferred session: 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/47696d5ed8ef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e9950e76e36.html