《渔夫和他的灵魂》英语名著介绍 The Fisherman and His Soul 一、作者简介 奥斯卡·王尔德1854年出生于爱尔兰都林。他父亲是医生,母亲是诗人。王尔德先后在爱尔兰的三一学院和英国的牛津大学学习古典文学。他变得受欢迎,因为他是有趣和聪明的。他以机智著称。 1881年,奥斯卡·王尔德出版了他的第一本书《诗集》。1882年他去了美国。当他到达纽约时,他对海关官员说:“除了我的天才,我没有什么要申报的。”他给美国人做关于美和艺术的讲座。 1884年,王尔德与康斯坦斯·劳埃德结婚,并育有两个孩子。1888年,他为他们的儿子写了《快乐王子和其他故事》。 王尔德以他的戏剧、故事和诗歌而闻名。他唯一的一部小说《道林·格雷的画像》震撼了当时的维多利亚社会。他的戏剧《温德米尔夫人的扇子》(1892)、《理想的丈夫》(1895)和《认真的重要性》(1895)取笑维多利亚社会。它们今天仍然很受欢迎。王尔德在19世纪90年代饱受丑闻困扰。1895年,他被捕入狱两年。1898年,他写了《雷丁监狱歌谣》。这部作品描述了他的狱中生活。1897年,王尔德去了巴黎。1900年,他去世时还是个穷人。 Oscar Wilde is born in 1854 in Dulin, Ireland. His father is a doctor and his mother is a poet. Wilde studies Classics at Trinity College, in Ireland and then at Oxford University, in England. He becomes popular because he is funny and clever. He is famous for his wit. In 1881 Oscar Wilde publishes his first book, Poems. He goes to America for year in 1882. When he arrives in New York he says to the customs officer, “I have nothing to declare but my genius”. He gives lectures to Americans about beauty and art. In 1884 Wilde marries Constance Lloyd and they have two children. In 1888 he writes The Happy Prince and Other Tales for their sons. Wilde is famous for his plays,stories and poetry. His only novel The Picture of Dorian Gray(1890),shocks the Victorian society of the time. His plays Lady Windermere’s Fan(1892),An Ideal Husband(1895) and The Importance of Being Earnest(1895) make fun of Victorian society. They are still very popular today. Wilde suffers problems with scandal in the 1890s.In 1895 he is arrested and sent to prison for two years. In 1898 he writes The Ballad of Reading Gaol. This work describes his life in prison. In 1897 Wilde goes to Pairs. He dies a poor man in 1900. 二、故事简介 年轻的渔夫爱上了被他网住后又放回海中的美人鱼。美人鱼却断然拒绝了渔夫的爱情,因为渔夫同美人鱼不一样,是有灵魂的。难以自拔的渔夫踏上了寻找如何放逐自己灵魂的艰难旅程。在经历了一系列徒劳的追寻之后,他找到了一个女巫。在接受了女巫提出的苛刻条件之后,渔夫终于送走了自己的灵魂。一年之后,他的灵魂来到海边呼唤主人,但遭到断然拒绝。又一年过去了,灵魂带着财富回来了,但渔夫说:“爱情比财富更重要。”第三个年头过去了,灵魂又从陆地来到海边,他向主人描述了一个佩戴面纱,赤足跳舞的美丽少女。年轻的渔夫想到小美人鱼没有脚,不能跟他跳舞,心里有些失落,于是答应去看一下,然后再回到爱人身边。欣喜若狂的灵魂赶紧进入渔夫的体内。在灵魂的诱惑下,渔夫一路上做了许多邪恶之事。然而,当年轻的渔夫重新回到海边的时候,美人鱼早已消失不见了。两年过去了,住在海边的渔夫听见海洋中传来的哀嚎,他向岸边冲去,看见了小美人鱼,小美人鱼却躺在他的脚下死去了。痛不欲生的渔夫抱着小美人鱼,不顾灵魂的苦苦恳求,任凭黑色的巨浪一点点逼近,最后被海水吞没了。 The young fisherman fell in love with the mermaid he had caught in his net and put back into the sea. But the mermaid flatly refused the fisherman's love, because the fisherman is not the same as the mermaid,he has a human soul. The obsessive fisherman started a difficult journey to find out how to banish his soul. After a series of fruitless pursuits, he found a witch. After accepting the harsh conditions demanded by the witch, the fisherman send away his soul. A year later, his soul came to the seashore to call for his master, but was rebuffed. Another year passed by, and the soul returned with wealth, but the fisherman said, "Love is more important than wealth." When the third year had passed, and the Soul came again from the land to the sea, he described to his master a beautiful maiden who danced barefoot and wore a veil. The young fisherman was sad to think that the Little Mermaid had no feet and could not dance with her, so he promised to go and see her, and then he returned to his love. The overjoyed soul rushed into the fisherman's body. Tempted by his soul, the fisherman did many evil things along the way. However, when the young fisherman returned to the shore, the mermaid had disappeared. Two years went by. The fisherman who lived by the sea heard a cry coming from the ocean. He rushed to the shore and saw the little mermaid. The desperate fisherman held the little mermaid in his arms, regardless of the entreaty of his soul, let the black wave approach little by little, and was swallowed up by the sea at last. 三、人物简介 渔夫(the fisherman) 在童话中,渔夫的形象无处不在,从他对美人鱼动心,到毅然决然放弃灵魂,选择和美人鱼在一起,至死追求所梦寐以求的爱情的过程中,对渔夫所代表的人物形象,有了一个明确的认识。他代表的是一群有天赋、有才能,个性坦然、抱负与众不同,选择追求梦想的人,骨子里有一种傲然,不屑流于社会洪流的庸俗,尽管不见容于世人,为世俗所接受和了解。却决不会牺牲自己的个性去归顺社会的要求,对自己坚信的事物更有一种异乎寻常的执着和锲而不舍的精神。 In fairy tales, the image of the fisherman is everywhere. From his attraction to the mermaid, to his determination to give up his soul and choose to stay with the mermaid until death to pursue the dream of love, I have a clear understanding of the image of the fisherman. He represents a group of talented, talented, frank and ambitious people who choose to pursue their dreams. They are proud and disdainful of the vulgarity of the social stream, although they are not accepted and understood by the world. But never at the expense of their own personality to submit to the requirements of the society, to their own belief in things more have an extraordinary persistence and perseverance of the spirit. 四、情感价值观 《渔夫和他的灵魂》是一部具有东方和东方影响的异国故事。也有美人鱼,女巫和魔鬼。语言充满诗意和讽喻。 这个故事的主题之一是诱惑。在故事中,美人鱼用大海的故事诱惑渔夫。渔夫引诱女巫帮他送走他的灵魂。他的灵魂试图引诱渔夫离开美人鱼。但是故事的主题是爱。爱比什么都重要。灵魂不能诱惑渔夫,因为渔夫的爱情太强烈了。最后,我们发现,人的生活离不开爱。 The Fisherman and His Soul is an exotic story with Oriental and Eastern influences. There are also mermaids, witches and devils. The language is poetic and is full of allegory. One of the themes of the story is temptation. In the story the mermaid tempts the fisherman with stories of the sea. The fisherman tempts the witch to help him send away his soul. And his soul tries to tempt the fisherman to leave the mermaid. But the main theme of the story is love. Love is more important than anything. The soul cannot tempt the fisherman because the fisherman’s love is too strong. And in the end, we discover that you cannot live without love. 王尔德的《渔夫和他的灵魂》打破了传统童话刻扳模式的快乐结局,运用“奇想”这一文学形式,故事最终以男女主人公的“死亡”而收场,给读者留下了一个真意式结局。通过这些非幸福快乐的结局,王尔德为童话故事创造了另一种想象,在读者的幻想中开创了另一个世界,它更具体地反映出了许多的社会现象和人类特质,唤起了读者们的另一种不同的想象力与创造力。书中“灵魂”所代表的是人所处的社会加诸于人身的社会性,这也是唯美主义者一直选择逃避的。当然在不同人群的限中,他们所认同的“灵魂”的社会性是千差万别的,如神父选择了上帝及与之相匹配的道德,商人选择的是金钱哲学的实惠,而女巫选择的是她身心追随的异教崇拜。然而有一点是相通的,即“灵魂”所具有的社会性。相比之下,人的“身体”是与 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4899e7cfcebff121dd36a32d7375a417876fc17b.html