毫不犹豫的意思是什么 毫不犹豫的意思: 果断,没有片刻迟疑。 英文解释 without the least [slightest] hesitation;have no hesitation whatsoever;make no bones about [of;to] sth. ; 详细解释 毫:一点儿;犹豫:迟疑,拿不定主意。毛泽东·《井冈山的斗争》:“一点儿也不迟疑。第二次杜修经、杨开明来,主张红军毫不犹豫地向湘南发展。” 近义词 毅然决然, 不假思索,孤注一掷,斩钉截铁,一往无前,坚决果断,毫不等待 中英例句 他们会毫不犹豫的把他抓走。 They would not hesitate in dragging him away. 他会毫不犹豫的牺牲掉你们所有人以救他自己. He will not hesitate to sacrifice all your lives to save his own. 鸿海还说,爆炸原因仍在调查,对于工厂可以改进的地方,它将毫不犹豫地立即采取任何具体措施。 The company added that the cause of the explosion is still under investigation, and that it would 'not hesitate to immediately implement' any specific measures where enhancements can be made to its facilities. 在班加西,利比亚反对派就卡扎菲对人民构成的威胁发出严重警告,他们表示,他会毫不犹豫地在这个国家执行“焦土”战略。 In benghazi, the libyan opposition issued a stark warning over the threat posed by col gaddafi to his citizens, saying he would not hesitate to "scorch" the country. 毫不犹豫的意思是什么 将本文的Word文档下载到电脑,方便收藏和打印 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/48b381b1de3383c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b071b0a0.html