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除夕,又称大年夜、除夕夜、除夜、岁除等。是时值每年农历腊月十二月的最后一个晚上。除,即去除的之意;夕,指夜晚。除夕也就是辞旧迎新、一元复始、万象更新的节日。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 除夕英语单词1 New Year's Eve 除夕英语单词2 eve of lunar New Year 除夕的英语例句:


On New Year's eve, every main street was a blaze of light. 他们在房子里做清洁并且去购物食物和新的衣裳。在除夕。

They do cleaning in the houses and go shopping for food and new clothes. 万圣节除夕这个词的意思就是所有圣徒的除夕夜的读音缩写,意为万圣节之前。 is a short way of saying All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day. 除夕庆祝会的狂欢

the hilarity of a New Year's Eve celebration 我们在圣诞除夕总是在树上挂满灯。

We always cover the tree with lights on Christmas EVe. 修理电视机除夕之夜,家家都在高兴地包饺子看电视。

On the eve of Spring Festival, people were making dumplings while watching TV.


New Year's Eve is the day before January 1st.


Have I had more exciting New Year's Eves? 全城居民用街头聚会和燃放烟火庆祝除夕。

The city celebrated New Year's Eve with street parties and fireworks. 除夕晚会

New Year's Eve entertainment; 有轨电车除夕通宵行驶。

Tramcars ran throughout the night on New Year's Eve. 她在除夕晚会上朗诵了一首长诗。

She recited a long poem at the New Year's Eve entertainment.

这位老先生说:那是1941年的新年除夕,但是在我记忆里就好像昨天发生的事一样。 It was New Year's eve in 1941, but I still remember it like it was yesterday.


We also ate there with my wife’s parents on the first New Year’s Eve of our marriage.

他是证券经纪人,有次他和一名客户一起参加除夕派对,结果喝得酩酊大醉。 This stockbroker went out to a New Year's Eve partywith a client, and drankhimself into a stupor.

每年纽约新年除夕都要举行水晶球降落仪式,1907年首次在时代广场进行。 A perennial icon of New Year's Eve is the geodesic ball which first droppedin Times Square in 1907.


However, most of the working people can enjoy a week-long public

holiday,during which the most important are the New Year's Eve and the first three days of the first lunar month.


Whether they watch the CCTV gala or its upstart rivals, Chinese people will surely enjoy themselves on the Lunar New Year's Eve.


Traditionally, the eve and first two days of the Lunar New Year were

reservedfor family, eating large meals prepared by an army of relatives, like aThanksgiving or Christmas feast in the West.

