乡村生活英语日记带翻译 乡村生活英语日记带翻译 乡村生活是多姿多彩的。 Rural life is colorful. 早晨,我们被勤劳的公鸡叫醒了,吃过早饭,我们随着外公来到田里,外公告诉我们:“春天是播撒种子的`最好时机,种子春天撒下去,秋天就会长出庄稼,你们也要加油播撒种子哦!” In the morning, we were woken up by the hard-working rooster. After breakfast, we came to the field with Grandpa. Grandpa told us: "spring is the best time to sow seeds. If seeds are sown in spring, crops will grow in autumn. You should also e on and sow seeds!" 上午我们来到大树下做游戏,跳皮筋、三个字、蹦格,你听,树下那承诺一定要赢过对手的声音和赢时的欢呼声都多么美妙啊! In the morning, we came to the big tree to play games, such as rubber band, three words and checkerboard. Listen to that, how wonderful the voice of promising to win and the cheers of winning under the tree are! 下午,火辣辣的太阳阻挡不住我们玩耍的脚步,冲出家门,来到小树林里,老规矩—石头剪刀布,谁输了谁表演一个节目。看,我们玩的多开心呀! In the afternoon, the hot sun could not stop us from playing. We rushed out of the house and came to the woods. The old rule - stone scissors, who lost, who performed a program. Look, how happy we are! 黄昏,月光洒在大地上,外公把桌子搬走门前,大家天高地阔地吃着饭,开心的聊着天。 In the evening, the moonlight sprinkled on the earth. Grandpa moved the table away from the door, and everyone ate and chatted happily. 乡村记载着我们的欢声笑语,我期待着还能在乡村生活。 The countryside records our laughter and laughter, and I look forward to living in the countryside. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4b94eb0d961ea76e58fafab069dc5022abea4633.html