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英语名篇小故事带翻译篇一 The impostor

A certain man fell ill, and, being in a very bad way, he made a vow that he would sacrifice a hundred oen to the gods if they would grant him a return to health. Wishing to see how he would keep his vow, they caused him to recover in a shout time. Now he hadn't an o in the world, so he made a hundred little oen out of tallow and offered them up on an altar, at the same time saying, "Ye gods, I call you to witness that I have discharged my vow." The

godsdetermined to be even with him, so they sent him a dream, in which he was bidden to go to the seashore and fetch a hundred crowns which he was to find there. Hastening in great ecitement to the shore, he fell in with a band of robbers, who seized him and carried him off to sell as a slave: and when they sold him a hundred crowns was the sum he fetched.

Do not promise more than you can perform.

有个人状况非常严重,他向众神发誓,如果能恢复健康,他一定会供奉一百头牛给众神。众神想要看看他是否能遵守诺言,很快便让他痊愈了。他其实根本没有一百头牛,于是,就用酥油做成了一百头小牛,放到供台上供奉给众神,同时嘴里还说着:“众神灵,我请你们来见证,我已经还清了自己许下的愿。”众神决定要报复他,便带他到一个梦境,在梦里,他被命令到海边去,在哪里他将找到一百个银元。他带着激动的心情赶忙跑到海边,可是却遇上了一群强盗,强盗抓住他并将他卖了去当奴隶,而卖他所得的钱正好是一百个银元,也就是他要取的总数目。 不要许下力所不能及的愿望。 英语名篇小故事带翻译篇二 The lion, the fo and the ass

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A lion, a fo, and an ass went out hunting together, They had soon taken a large booty, which the Lion requested the Ass to divide between them. The Ass divided it all into three equal parts, and modestly begged the others to take their choice, at which the lion, bursting with fury, sprang upon the ass and tore him to pieces. Then glaring at the fo, he hade him make a fresh division. The fo gathered almost the whole in one great heap for the lion's share, leaving only the smallest possible morsel for himself. "My dear friend," said the lion, "how did you get theknack of it so well?" The Fo replied, "Me? Oh, I took a lesson from the ass." Happy is he who learns from the misfortunes of others. 狮子、狐狸和驴一起外出打猎。没过多久,他们就虏获了许多战利品,狮子命令驴在其面前分猎物。驴将所有的猎物平均分成三份然后谦和地请狮子和狐狸先挑选自己的那一份。这时,狮子勃然大怒,猛扑过去,撕碎了驴。接着,狮子又盯上了狐狸,命令他来重新分赃。狐狸把所有的猎物都堆在一起,然后请狮子来拿,之留下一点点给自己。“我的好朋友,”狮子说,“你怎么学到的这个窍门呀?”狐狸回答说:“我是从驴那里得到了教训。” 你若懂得从他人的不幸中汲取教训,就能获得幸福。 英语名篇小故事带翻译篇三 The farmer and his dogs

A farmer was snowed up in his farmstead by a severe storm, and was unable to go out andprocure provisions for himself and his family. So he first killed his sheep and used them for food; then, as the storm still continued, he killed his goats. And, last of all, as the weather showed no signs of improving, he was compelled to kill his oen and eat them. When his dogs saw the various animals being killed and eaten in turn, they said to one another, "We had better get out of this or we shall be the net to go!"

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一个农夫因持续而来的风暴被困在自己的农场里,无法外出为自己和家人寻获食物。迫于无奈,他杀死了自己的绵羊来充饥。可是,风暴依然持续不停,继而又杀死山羊。最后,因为风暴丝毫没有减弱的意思,他又被迫杀死了自己的牛来填饱肚子。那些狗看到不同的动物依次被杀、被吃掉后,便相互诉说:“我们最好快点离开这里,不然就会成为下一个被杀的对象。” 英语名篇小故事带翻译篇四 The butcher and his customer

Two men were buying meat at a butcher's stall in the marketplace, and, while the butcher's back was turned for a moment, one of them snatched up a joint and hastily thrust it under the other's of them snatched up a joint and hastily thrust it under the other's cloak, where it could not be seen. When the butcher turned round, he missed the meat at once, and charged them with having stolen it: but the one who had taken it said he hadn't taken it. The butcher felt sure they were deceiving him, but he only said, "You may cheat me with your lying, but you can't cheat the gods, and they won't let you off so lightly."

Prevarication often amounts to perjury.

两个人正在市场里屠户的摊位上买肉,屠夫刚一转身背向他们,其中一人便抓起一块腱子肉,迅速放进另一个人的斗篷里,谁也没看到他的举动。待屠夫转过身来,立刻注意到少了一块肉,便指控他们偷了肉。但是,拿了肉的那个人说自己没有偷,而得到肉的那个人也说自己没有拿。屠夫确信他们是在欺骗自己,但仅仅说了一句话:“你可以用谎言来欺骗我,但却骗不了神,他们不会这么轻易放过你的。” 相互推诿等同于欺骗。

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