守株待兔 Waiting for Rabbits Beside a Tree英语作文 守株待兔 Waiting for Rabbits Beside a Tree英语作文 One day a farmer of the Kingdom of Song was ploughing the field.Suddenly he saw a rabbit dash into a stump.The rabbit broke its neck and died soon.The farmer was very glad that he got a rabbit without any ef-fort.From that day on,he left his ploughing and kept watching by the big tree all day long in hopes of getting another rabbit this way.But a whole year passed and he got none.Looking back,he saw the field lie waste,overrun with weeds.He became a laughingstock of Song people. 一天,宋朝的`一个农民在地里耕地,突然他看到一只兔子撞到了树桩上,兔子撞断了颈子,马上死了。农民很快乐他不费吹灰之力得到了一只兔子。从那天起,他丢掉了犁,整天守着大树,希望这样也可以得到另外一只兔子。但一年过去了,他什么也没得到。他回头一看,田地荒芜,长满了杂草,他成为宋朝人民的笑料。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4bfdc06e158884868762caaedd3383c4bb4cb4ad.html