爆竹的英语单词 爆竹起源至今有20XX年多年的历史。在没有火药和纸张时,人们使用火烧竹子,使之爆裂发声,以驱逐瘟神,因竹子焚烧发出“噼噼叭叭”的响声,故称爆竹。那么你知道爆竹的英语单词是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 爆竹英语单词1: firecracker 爆竹英语单词2: petard 爆竹的英语例句: 爆竹爆炸声把杰克的狗吓了一跳。 The fire cracker went off and scared Jack's dog. 爆竹啪啪地响。 The firecrackers popped. 在月亮还未升起时,爆竹已被点燃! Fireworks were lit long before the moon came out. 爆竹砰的一声炸开了。 The firework went off with a bang. 昨晚有人燃放了一串爆竹。 Someone set off a bunch of firecrackers last night. 翻译爆竹爆炸后,伤了那个小男孩。 The firework exploded and injured the little boy. 党波普尔是一种玩具烟花爆竹产品。 Party popper is a kind of toy fireworks product. 这孩子点燃了爆竹。 The boy touched off a firecracker. 那个爆竹在他手里响了。 The firework exploded in his hand. 在爆竹声中,又过了一年了,今天是过年的第二天,就是初二。 Have been over1 year in banger in sound, today is second day of next year, is the second day. 这也是中国喜庆时要燃放爆竹的由来,是为竹报平安。 This is an origin set off the firecracker when China is joyous; just report safe for the bamboo. 于夜间表演,同时燃放爆竹助兴。 When performed at night, firecrackers are set off. 昨晚有人燃放了一串爆竹。 Someone set off a bunch of firecrackers last night. 禁令下达之后,任何人都禁止在五环内燃放烟花爆竹,否则将被罚款。 After the firecracker ban resumes, anyone caught setting firecrackers off within the Fifth Ring Road will be fined. 那男孩点燃了爆竹就跑开了。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4c6548e9094e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acec79c79.html