
时间:2023-03-02 06:06:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Letter of Complaint

To Customer Service of XXX Real Property Development Pty Ltd:

I am writing this letter of complaint about your Companys breach of the Contact for Sale of Real Property (the Contract) with regard to the inspection of my property. Pursuant to the Contract, the Client has the right to inspect the building before receipt. Although your Company has appointed a company for building inspection, I am not satisfied with that companys service. I have communicated my dissatisfaction with the building inspection to your Company for several times, but your Company disregards my complaints and claims that the property can only be inspected by one company. This amounts to a serious breach of the Contract because no contractual provision says so.

In theory and in practice, nobody but the property owner or his agent has the right to repossess the property after appropriate inspection. After the inspection, the building inspection company signs the agreement to repossess the property on my behalf with your Company. Although the building inspection company has the right to do so, it must obtain my written consent or inform me of the repossession before signing that agreement. Otherwise, the building inspection companys act is not legally binding on me. Your Company also did not inform me of the repossession before signing the agreement. The acts of your Company and the building inspection company have seriously adversely affected my legitimate interests in the property, especially when the inspection is considerably unsatisfactory.

Now, I am requesting another inspection of the property by another company within 30 calender days beginning with your Companys receipt of this letter. I wish your Company thinks carefully about my proposal and takes corresponding measures for this complaint. I will reserve the right to bring a civil proceeding against your Company and the building inspection company before my legitimate interests in the property are properly protected. Yours sincerely, YYY
