
时间:2022-07-08 20:06:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


"there is a golden house in the book, and there is a jade in the book."

在快乐中成长英语日记带翻译人的一生绚丽多彩,有着五味瓶的丰富,I believe that this sentence is not groundless!对于朋友之间的友情万花筒的缤纷,而我就是在快乐中成长!People's life is colorful, with 来说,我感到很幸运,能够认识这么多的朋友、同学,我感到很高兴,真是the rich taste bottles, kaleidoscope, and I am growing up in happiness!在学校,我们大家也少不了欢声笑语,有时,我们总是不厌其烦的讨论着各种话题;有时,我们总是出现争执,可到了最后,我们耐不住寂寞,还是快乐的和好了;有时,我们总是抱怨起作业怎么怎么多。可这些都不影响我们

的情绪,我们始终在谈论着我们中的趣事,我们始终快乐无比。In school, we can't do without laughter and laughter. Sometimes, we always go out of our way to discuss various topics. Sometimes, we always have disputes. At the end of the day, we can't stand loneliness, and we are happy to make up. Sometimes, we always complain about how much homework we do. But these do not affect our emotions, we are always talking about our interesting things, we are always happy.在家里,虽然没有了同学们的欢歌笑语,但是我可以从书中寻找快乐,自古有句名言:“书中自有黄金屋,书中自有颜如玉。”我相信这句话不是空穴来风吧!At home, although there is no laughter from my classmates, I can find happiness in the book. There is a famous saying from ancient times:

相见恨晚!部分跟我很要好的同学,我们互称“哥们”,起初跟她们聊着聊着,就发现我们有共同的.语言,因此成了无话不说的好兄弟,好朋友。For the friendship between friends, I feel very lucky to meet so many friends and classmates, I feel very happy, it's too late to meet each

other! Some of my very close classmates, we call each other "brothers", at first chatting with them, we found that we have the same language, so we have become good brothers and good friends who have nothing to say.乐观的人生是快乐的,只有保持乐观向上的心态,你才能在快乐中成长。An optimistic life is happy. Only by keeping an optimistic attitude can you grow up in happiness.
