关于鸟的迷信 鹤 燕子 天鹅 英美民俗 带翻译

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关于鸟的迷信 燕子 天鹅 英美民俗 带翻译

Stork An old belief is that the stork is a sign of good luck, because it foretells the birth of a child. Parents often explain the mystery of birth to their young children by saying that they were brought by the stork.

Swallow It is considered a sign of good luck if a swallow builds its nest under the eaves of one's house. Dryden says in his poem, "Swallows are unlucky birds to kill."

Swan Stories say that before a swan dies, it sings beautiful songs. Many great ancient writers, including Plato, Aristotle, Euripides, Cicero, Seneca and others had this false belief. In Othello, Emilia, just before his death, says: I will play the swan, And die in music.

In English, the last work produced by an artist, writer, or composer, or the last performance of an actor or singer it often called his or her swan song. For example, Schubert's last and greatest collection of songs is called Swan song, which was written in 1828 before his death.

According to a Greek legend, the soul of Apollo, the god of music and poetry, passed into a swan. So some people say the souls of all good poets passed into swans. For this reason, Shakespeare is called the Swan of Avon; Virgil, the Swan of Mantua; Homer, the Swan of Meander.


燕子 檐下有燕子筑巢,对于房主很吉利。英国十七世纪诗人德莱顿在诗中写道,“杀燕子不吉利。

天鹅 传说天鹅死前要引吭同歌,歌声美妙动人。古希腊罗马的许多作家,包括柏拉图、亚里士多德、欧里庇德斯、西塞罗、塞内加等都对此深入不疑。在莎士比亚的悲剧《奥赛罗》里,爱米莉亚临死时说: 我要学那天鹅, 唱着歌儿死去。




