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IReading Comprehension(40)


Part II English-Chinese Translation(5*4=20)

1. 众多华人的出现加剧了人们对澳大利亚社会未来性格特点的争论。此时人们已经对淘金地区公民的价值观感到担忧,而澳大利亚囚犯的出身和背景使这种忧虑不断加剧。众所周知,金子常常被赋予神话性质,对人有着无限的诱惑力。

2. 另外,还有这样一种担忧:如果在澳大利亚的土地上只能建起这些粗俗无礼的社区,那么它是否会丧失道德权威呢?正是通过树立道德权威,号称有权享有高级文化的澳大利亚人才能独享整个大陆。如此说来,澳大利亚人是否心安理得地继续享有如此多的机会呢?

3. 淘金族内部的矛盾纷繁复杂,其中一个便是他们同样漂浮不定,在某种程度上与他们想取而代之的土著民族具有相似性。对澳洲白种人能否长期定居的忧虑促使白种淘金群体不断丑化土著居民和驱逐亚洲人。

4. 19世纪后期荒诞无耻的描述中可以得知,如果白种人取代黑人是因为后者不具备垦殖能力的话,那黄种人取代白种人岂不是也很合情合理呢?如果澳大利亚的欧洲移民生产能力低下、行为举止不文明,那么白种人在澳大利亚独自享受的权利自然会被严重削弱。

Part III Chinese-English Translation(20)

Spoiled rotten by my parents, I had been behaving like a real tyrant in the family before I fell sick. I felt like being thrown into a cold palace the minute when segregated and confined in a small house on the hillside in our garden. I was depressed and frustrated. In spring evening when all the flowers were blooming, my parents gave a banquet in the garden and in no time, the garden was crowded with guests and the air was floated with laughter. Unnoticed by others, I lifted the curtain and peeped from my small room at the bustling kaleidoscope down in the garden. My older brothers and sisters, as well as my cousins, shuttling joyfully back and forth among the guests, I was overwhelmed by a bitter sense of being abandoned and forgotten by people and just couldn’t help but cried my eyes out.

Part IV Short Essay Writing(20)

Sample: Harmful Plagiarism in Academic Field in China

Currently it is common to see that some people plagiarize other’s ideas or sentences for their own purposes, which not only confuses the field of academic enquiry, but engenders execrable effects on the whole society as well.

As far as I’m concerned, the abuses that plagiarism causes can be summed up as following. In the first place, plagiarism will hinder the original copyright holders in their further writing and thinking severely if their copyright can’t be protected properly, for the value of their original works are decreased. In the second place, it is also harmful to those who plagiarize other people’s writing and thinking. For example, such behavior will lead to suspension from school or office, removal from a research and so on.

How to hold back such problem is worthy of being considered by all of us. Our government should reinforce the strength of protecting copyright, set up a series of rules to punish the plagiarizers and intensify the propaganda through mass media. In this way, the common people will be cultivated to possess the consciousness of protecting copyright.

As for me, when I quote thinking and writing from the original author’s, I shouldn’t just alter several words here and there and adjust a few paragraphs. What I should do is to make the

provenance around (make acknowledgments or use citations) the phrases or sentences I quote.
