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新北区实验中学九年级期末复习----书面表达 name______


prefer A to B / would rather do sth / prefer to do sth./

be crazy about ... such....that so....that..... so that Its a waste of time to do sth. Its years/days since sb. +ved

Its fun to do sth. have fun (difficulty / problems/ trouble/a good time ) doing Its a pity that Im/Were not allowed to

There be doing sth be worth doing It seems (im)possible to do It is said/reported that As the saying goes, too + adj./adv. to do There are many differences between ..... and .....

Not only....but also.... Neither....nor..... Both ...and be considered as 二、关联词

what’s more, whats worse(更糟的是) however, although, though, Otherwise ,while, instead of, as, since, because of, as a result, therefore, in general, in a word, in short if, unless not...until....,as a result, so that, in order to, in order that,

To tell you the truth / In my opinion / in my mind / in my view 一、请你根据以下要点,写一篇短文。 童年经历 电影成就 社会公益 你的感想 charity work.

He was born in Beijing,in April 1963. He began taking martial lessons at a very young age. He practiced so hard that he was quite good at it. In 1980, he began to play the lead role in the film. He once won Hong Kong Film Awards For Best Actor for his role in the film.His achievements go beyond the film industry. He set up Jet Lee One Foundation Project. He devotes much of his time to helping others. Both in 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake and in 2010 Yushu Earthquake, he took part in the rescue work.

In my opinion, we should learn from him because he is hard-working, generous and helpful. I will try my best to help others too.

二、假如你参加学校的英语作文比赛,请根据表格内容谈谈你喜欢的电视节目以及你看电视的注意事项。 我喜欢的电视节目及原因 1、我喜欢看纪录片,如战争纪录片、侦探纪录片和.....



只是作为一种放松方式,不长时间看电视, ......

My favourite TV programmes are documentaries. They cover a lot of information. I like watching documentaries about wars, detective stories and animals.

The documentaries about wars help me know more about history and Geography. After watching them, I realize



1980年开始担任电影主角,曾获得香港金像奖最佳男主角 2007年创建李连杰一基金

2008年汶川地震和2010年玉树地震,他亲赴灾区参加救援工作。 ........(至少2)

One of my favourite actors is Jet Lee. He is famous not only because of his roles in films but also because of his

that peace is very important to us. The detective documentaries are so interesting that they teach me how to look for the clues to something important. The documentaries about animals show beautiful scenes that I have never seen before. Whats more, they tell us known stories about wildlife.

I never spend too much time watching TV because I think it is necessary to keep a balance between my hobby of watching TV and my study. Watching TV for a short while is one of my ways to relax myself. 三、阐述你对“看电视”的观点。

As a Grade 9 student, it is good to watch TV in your spare time. If you feel stressed, you can watch music programmes or sports programmes to relax yourself. Good documentaries can help you learn a lot which cant be learned from books. But some unhealthy programmes are not suitable for teenagers. They are not good for us and watching them is a waste of time. (it is a waste of time to watch them.)

We should watch programmes which are meaningful and educational, for they can encourage us to behave more politely and help us become more confident. Remember to watch proper programmes at a proper time . 四、我们总大部分人喜欢看电视,看电视有好处,也有坏处。 好处

帮助我们了解国内外发送的大事 无聊的时候帮助我们打发时间




看电视太久长时间坐着,缺乏锻炼,有害健康 有些节目不适合青少年观看,如爱情片等

Most of us like watching TV. By watching TV, we can learn what happened in China and other parts of the world. When feeling bored, TV can also help us kill the time. And some programmes like Animals World can help a lot. However , watching TV too much is bad for our eyes. If we spend too much time sitting in front of TV, we will have little time to exercise. Its bad for our health. Whats more, some programmes like love stories are not suitable for teenagers.

I think we should choose suitable programmes to watch. And we shouldnt spend too much time watching TV. 五、今天下午在一节法律常识课上,王老师和同学们共同学习了一个案例,学完后学生一起讨论如何防范周围可能带来的的危险。请用英语记录该课题的一些情况。

1、今天下午,法律课生动 2、了解到两个孩子成功从绑匪手里逃脱的故事3、讨论保护自己免受危险的安全提示4、一些认为我们应该在出门前关好门窗,一些认为......5、我认为.....我希望....

This afternoon, we has a chance to have a lively law lesson. During the lesson, we learned about the story of two children escaping from the kidnappers successfully. After that, we discussed some safety tips to protect ourselves from danger. Some students think we should shut the doors and windows before leaving home. Some students think wed better not go out alone at night, especially girls. We shouldnt speak to strangers, either. I hope to have another lesson like this to learn more about the knowledge of law.


The Examination is coming. In order to make a success in the exam I think it’s time for us to relax. Or we’ll be too nervous to work well in the exam.

In order to relax ourselves, we can turn to some of our hobbies. Different students have different ways. Some watch TV, some listen to music… But for me I enjoy taking exercise most. Whenever I feel tired, I always spend an hour (in) walking or jogging in the park. Besides, I play table tennis with my friends after class.

In my opinion, taking exercise can not only rest our brains(大脑) and eyes but also help build our bodies. I think it’s really helpful to both my health and my study.


