longlongago there lived an emp

时间:2022-08-03 12:08:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
longlongago there lived an emp

1Long ago,there lived a king who loved horses very much. 很久以前,有个非常喜欢马的国王。

2Long long agothere lived a king.很久很久以前,那里住着一位国王。


There are some flowers in the picture.图画里有些鲜花。 There is only bread and water.只有水和面包了。 Here is a letter for you.这儿有你的一封信。

注意:be动词一般应与主语部分的第一个名词在数上保持一致。 2there be结构中的be必须随着be后面名词的数及句子后面的时间,使用不同的形式或时态。如:

There are fifty chairs,desks and a blackboard in our classroom.

我们的教室里有五十把椅子、五十张课桌和一块黑板。 There is a blackboard,fifty chairs and desks in our classroom.


There werent any high buildings in the village twenty years ago.


3there be结构可与情态动词

can,could,will,would,must,may,might,ought to及某些不及物动seem,appear,happen等连用,如:

Do go into the hole,for there can be snakes in it. 不要进到洞里面去,因为洞里可能有蛇。

The car doesnt run.There must be something wrong with it. 车不走了,肯定出了毛病。

There seemed to be some people in the room,for the water is still hot.

房间里原来似乎有人,因为水还是热的。 There happened to be a policeman there. 碰巧那儿有个警察。
